Be What You Dream Photo

miami beach, photo -

Be What You Dream Photo

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While in Miami Beach I saw this cool mural on a wall. I am not certain if it is still there or not. I also do not remember where I saw this. I tend to take a lot of photos and only now I bothered to look through them. It was something I did to pass the time in the beach. I never did like swimming in the beach. Aside from waiting for the time to pass, there was not much for me to do. I am afraid of fishes. 

That point aside, here is the cool mural. It has a chimera of a wolf with a unicorn horn with the body of panther. It is one of the most chimeric creations I have ever seen. It was just there. It was only illuminated with a purple light. Miami Beach has a lot of odd murals and graffiti. It is fun whenever you spot one and photograph it. There is  a good chance it might not be there anymore. 

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