BJD Doll Odette in Red Dress with Long Wigs
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This is the first part of my Odette photoshoot.
I got her a new red dress and I wanted to take some cute photos of the doll. You already know the drill.
I dress my doll in cute little outfits and then I take photos. I try to keep them all tasteful.
I also do not like to repeat the themes. The red dress ended up looking pretty amassing.
It has a bit of a snake like pattern. The coat also works well for the dolly.
The second half of the photoshoot will feature my doll Odette, but with shorter wigs.
I am trying to decide a nice look for her. More than anything, I am just a little bored around the edges.
This helps pass the time. I recently got a few new wigs.
I wanted to see how they looked like on my ballerina doll. Most of my dolls are MDS in size.
They are not too big, not too small. They are just right.
Of the new wig, the pink silver wig has the nicest texture. They must have used really soft, hairdo.
Aside from changing up the wigs, I also took a few photos focusing on the color red.
It seemed like a good photo gimmick. My camera can focus on whatever color I so choose.
The floral backgrounds are some of my original artworks. I sometimes do little flower bouquets from time to time.
They are mainly for decoration purposes. Also, I like to paint flowers. They are a good subject matter.
The weird checkerboard pattern painting is Elegua. My grandma used to worship him a lot.
She fed him candy and she gave him marbles. He started out as a magic user human.
The coconut gave him magical abilities, but it also made him ill. When he died, he became a saint that had the power of language and magic.
Magic is usually activated with the spoken word.
So, having command over all language makes one a powerful magic user.
Also, the world was created through the Spoken Word.
God said, let there be light and the rest is history.
The overall point of this tirade is that I lost my chain of thought.
I recently reedited my first Sacred Mask book.
I changed the introduction of the book.
It was a bit of a turnoff for readers. So, I gave it a new polish and angle.
I explained the influence of the book.
I also told the reader about the world that the book takes place.
It is planet Earth, but ridiculously far into the future.
It is so far forward in time that the past has become irrelevant.
The continents do not even look the same.
The only thing left of the humanity are its most common artifacts.
There are also sunken cities that have a bit of a futuristic vibe.
They have been reclaimed by the mermaids.
I hope this inspires you to read my silly book.
All in all, it is a romance book, but with Dragons and Elves.
The third book in the series is still in the process of getting completed.
It still doesn’t feel quite done.
Aside from writing a bit, I am still trying to work up the energy to draw more pages for the manga.
I have been saving up a little bit around the edges.
I need to get me new props for the photoshoot.
I hope things are going well on your end.
This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.
And God bless.
The blog continues.
Or so it seems.
I normally write this in a word document.
I do try my best as far as spacing is concerned.
You do not need to read this.
Dolls are cute.
Stupid Rumba ate a lizard. Poor thing.
It survived. Kinda. Just kidding. Uploading all these photos takes forever.