BJD Dream Valley, Dollmore and Doll Chateau Photoshoot
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Today, I got around to making a cute little photoshoot featuring my dragon bjd doll Ahi and two other dolls.
I like to keep my photoshoots nice and organized. I jazzed up a little the background.
It doesn’t add much to the photos. Still, it does add some new objects of visual interest.
It was either this, or painting a new background. Playing with dolls is something very amusing.
I took about 36 photos in total. I tried to keep the poses nice and vary.
I do not have a lot of props to work with. I am more of posing oriented. I either buy doll outfits, or new prop items.
I am not going to bore you with my financial woes. Everyone is on the same boat as of lately.
With the photos, I tried to keep the poses varied. The Dollmore ballerina doll was behaving well.
I was able to get a decent number of varied poses.
As before, my Doll Chateau Ashley was slapping herself a lot.
So, I had to be careful when posing the doll. Still, my Ashley doll is a lot of fun.
I need to get around to buying new outfits for Ashley. I should also see if outfits of some of my other dolls fit Ashley.
I was looking at Doll Chateau dolls, and there was a pretty cool looking dragon egg doll.
The stand was themed after an egg, with dragon legs.
It is fun to window shop for dolls. Since I have a limited budget, I need to think carefully before getting a new doll.
If anything, I can just get new doll outfits and wigs.
That is usually pretty useful, for making it seem like you have doll variety.
With just a wig, the look of the doll changes completely.
I still need to get around to making new the photoshoots of my vampire doll.
I have yet to pose her with the rest of her siblings.
The dragon doll is very amusing to pose.
She has a lot of fun moving parts. It was a good idea to get her in red.
The good thing of pre-orders is that you get a bit of customization options.
She originally came in grey, but I asked for the red color. I like the color red a lot.
I almost like it as much as the color pink. Aside from playing with dolls, I have been making progress with the Sacred Mask 3 book.
The front cover is already done. All that is left is to publish the rest of the book.
With any luck, I will have it all finished before May.
I do things at my own pace. It is the good thing of being your own boss.
Since I finished a new book, I am now in the brainstorming process.
I will probably loaf around for a month before starting any creative project.
It is a good thing to take a breather every once in a while.
I think this about it as far as my nonsense is concerned.
I hope you find the latest photoshoot amusing.
Artsy Sister.
Over and out.