BJD Dream Valley Elf Guy Doll in Skull Shirt Photoshoot
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Today, I felt like photographing my bjd doll guy. He is the tallest bjd doll in my collection.
Finding clothing for this big boy is usually difficult.
He is tall, but also slim.
So, the outfits that are long enough for him end up being a little baggy.
The ones that are a perfect fit, end up being a tad short.
It is all a matter of finding the goldy lock ratio.
I ended up getting for him this shirt made by Dollmore.
The shirt was originally designed for a female bjd doll that is 67 centimeters tall.
The length of the sleeve was just right and so was the outfit.
So, it seems that I have shop for clothing in the female aisle.
I fancy that most outfits are unisex.
What is important is that it fits and that it looks cool on the dolly.
I think this skull shirt looks positively dashing on Gregory.
Gregory is the name I gave my elf bjd doll. I like the name Gregory.
It is strong and powerful, while the short form is a big of a meh, Greg situation.
Now, I am just rambling. It is time to focus on the bjd doll photoshoot.
My project boards are all big because I needed to accommodate my big boy.
My doll just about fits within the project board with his hands standing up.
This time I used my fake chimney as a background prop.
It provided interesting shimmering lights.
My dolly has stable limbs but he is a bit heavy.
I am always watching him carefully.
He tends to fall when standing.
I am not a big fan of using doll stands because it makes the poses look unnatural.
Plus, there is no doll stand big and strong enough to support him.
So, I just recline him against various heavy objects.
The sitting poses and lying down poses are at least less stressful.
He sits well, like a good little boy.
If you look a bit closely you will notice that his face paint is scratched.
This was one of the many accidents he has suffered in his career as a bjd doll model.
Modeling work is tough, but rewarding.
It keeps the chibis coming back.
For my birthday, I pre-ordered a new bjd doll.
I know that I said that I wasn’t going to get another pre-order.
Still, the price was right and I liked his design.
This is going to be the third guy bjd doll in my collection.
He is the Taurus from Gem of Doll.
My other pre-order is the Queen of Hearts by Coral Reef.
My Coral Reef Doll might arrive by November.
My Taurus is going to arrive early next year, if I am lucky.
It is all matter of having the patience to wait for good things.
Now, back to the photoshoot.
There is going to be a video of my guy bjd doll.
It is going to be both in Tiktok and Youtube.
I hope that my latest bjd doll photoshoot makes you smile.
My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.
What to do?
Take care.
And another.
Bye, bye and God bless.