Blue Floral on a silver Background

acrylic, floral, painting -

Blue Floral on a silver Background

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The days have been starting to run together. Mother is quite exhausted, as all. It is very tiring to be worrying so much. Still, she can’t help it because she has a job in the real world. The gasoline is at least pretty cheap. It lasts for almost two weeks because she only has to go out for work.

Brother person gets out to the yard every once in a while to clean the pool. It is important to try to maintain it. Once the heat comes back, we can try to spend the plague there. The trees are still dropping all their leaves. As such, they are not making yard work easy. To help mother feel better, we do a Rosary once a day. It helps her nerves somewhat.

I call her once, while she is at work to help her cope. She starts getting a little stressed out during the second half of the labor day. Even though it is the shortest part of the labor time, it is the one that feels the longest. You start counting the minutes to be able to return home.

As far as my own nonsense, things have been uneventful. I did get started in that Animal Crossing game a couple of weeks ago. Everything was going just fine, but during a visit, a douche stole a rose. The person did not just pick it, but rather shoveled it up. I have quite a fixation with my roses, both in the game world and in the real world.

As a result, I removed almost everyone from my best friend list. Only people who have visited often, and nothing has gone missing can take whole stuff, with permission. On the upside, I found an island that sold rose seeds. I now have the three main colors.

The silly game is good for unplugging your brain from all your problems. Later on in the night, I drew a page for the manga. Yesterday, I got around to finishing a chapter for the book, and I made a new silly painting. Over all, I have three new paintings I have yet to photograph.

Like this one, they were done with acrylics, on Arteza Wrapped Canvas. I mainly used Liquitex and US Art Supply paints. For the darker blue, I used a Winsor and Newton brand of blue. I have like a big tube from that brand of the main colors I use. The floral has those cold colors because I wanted to give it a nice winter feel.

I was imitating Bob Ross. When I came to the States, I used to watch him on PBS. I had no idea what he was saying, but the act of painting is something that needs no spoken explanation. It is not as if I had money for art supplies back them.

I was lucky enough just to have some crayons and gel pens. My first Strathmore sketchbook was given to me by a Secret Santa in High School. I drew a lot of Yugioh Card sketches and Chobit sketches on that notebook. I first mastered the pencil before moving onto other nonsense.

Once I felt that my sketching skills were sufficient, I felt confident enough to try some original type of works. I think this is enough of my nonsense. I might pick up this train of thought in a couple of days if I happen to remember. For now, enjoy this pretty acrylic painting.

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