British Anime Girl in a Purple Dress circa 1830

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British Anime Girl in a Purple Dress circa 1830

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I just got done with my pretty dress series. I am now going to start in my poses series. It is mostly going to be based on photos, books and paintings. I am always doing compilations of this and that. When you start, you think you will never finish. Then one day you realize that you are done with that little project and then you move it along. I think I will have both my compilations in one book. It will save on paper or whatever. Mostly, I am a big fan of big books and the like. When I publish something, I want it to be a fat tome. This is why I did my poem anthology. I decided to publish them all in the same book. The book ended up being like 400 pages. My brother suggested not to do the same with my fantasy books. I have like 8 out of 14 of the series. If they were to go in the same book, it would be fatter than the Bible.

Even within the series, I ended up making one of my books extremely long. It was about a dragon fellow. I just got so in sync with the character and the words just fell out of me. I ended up making the book like 357 pages. It is as long as one of those Harry Potter Books. Well, it depends which book you are referring to. I haven’t looked at the word count yet. It takes like a couple of minutes to load up the file in Word. I guess Microsoft Word wasn’t designed for such long books. I am now working on a new book in the series. It is about a magic girl. Like you may have noticed, or not noticed, I am being vague on purpose. I have not published the book as of yet, so I do not want people to steal my stories. Then again, there is only so much one can do in the fantasy genre. I think I just about exhausted most topics and the like. I guess you could call that boredom or lack of imagination.

artsy sister,art supplies,stabilo

Needless to say, this is going to be my one and only long series. The next two books are probably going to be standalone stories or miniseries, like Trilogies or something like it. I want to do one about vampires and the other about science fiction. Vampires are popular now, so I wanted to ride in a bandwagon and show the fellows how it is done. The science fiction book is based on a long dream that I had. I already have the synopsis and everything. It is just a matter of sitting down to write it. I do not have too much of a hard time with writing. I took the Hinduism mantra of nonattachment to the fruits of your action seriously. If you are a writer, it is your dharma or duty to write. If you start worrying about the results of your books then you hit writer’s block. Many of the great writers of yonder had money, and as such they were able to write many great things. If you are in the poor house, get a day job and at night focus on your writing. You write to be happy, not to make money. If you make money, awesome, if not, well at least you have your peace of mind. If writing is distressing, then find some other way to spend your time. You should only do things that make you happy.

People say that life is short and that you should do stuff that matters. However, I find that perspective wrong. The true object of life is being happy. If helping others makes you happy, then do it. If writing is your happy bone, then write. Most people do things caught up in the “I got to do this and that” wave. I mean, there is a reason why a lot of rich people kill themselves. Sure, they are what people consider a success, but they are not happy. There is nothing worse than unhappiness. You should always seek it. In the long scheme of things, nothing that people ever do matters. Given enough time, all of Earth will perish. The things you thought important will not matter. Just try to live your life filled with happiness and do not make people sad. There is nothing more vile and sinister than destroying the smile of someone else. Well, this is just my two bits of the day. The drawing itself is a British Girl in a Purple dress. I drew her with a Royal and Langnickel pencil. I then traced over her using my Stabilo mini pens. I then colored her dress with my Derwent Colorsoft pencils, and my Art 101 pencils. Whatever mistakes I made, I erased with my Pentel Eraser. I hope you find this information useful for your own drawings.

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