Butterflies on Mexican Sunflowers Watercolor Paintings

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Butterflies on Mexican Sunflowers Watercolor Paintings

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I did two watercolor paintings featuring Mexican Sunflowers. These little sunflowers attract a bunch of different butterflies to my garden.

I reworked two photographs into the paintings you see above. The first shows the Sunflower in full bloom. The second painting shows that even a withered flower still attracts butterflies.

In fact, the withered flower had more butterflies than the fresh flower. I do not know what that is all about.

artsy sister, watercolor painting, Tiger Swallow Tail Butterfly

The first butterfly I think it might be a Tiger Swallow Tail Butterfly. It is a male one to be more specific about it.

The three other butterflies are called Julian Heliconian Butterflies. They are the most common butterflies that you see in my South Florida garden.

I think it was unique to have the butterflies around a withered plant. Most folks normally paint butterflies on live flowers.

 artsy sister, Julian Heliconian Butterflies, watercolor painting

I have photographic proof that they favor dry flowers as well. I think I am going to show you the reference material for these paintings.

It was an interesting effort, and I am happy with the final results. I hope you like my new watercolor paintings. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister, Bye, bye and God bless.  

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