Butterfly Book

butterflies, photo -

Butterfly Book

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This is a photo I took a couple of months ago. I was just wandering a bit through Key West. They had a lot of random junk for sale. This is one of them. It looked real pretty around the edges. I have always wanted to have a silly art store with all nice things of my own choosing.

I mainly have a preference for knickknacks. I tend to use a lot of archaic words. My main issue is that the words tend to get terrible modern meanings. One of my favorite word now sucks. I just hate modern day as all. There is always something terrible associated with a word. This happens in other languages as well.

I suppose there are some things that cannot be helped. Today, I watered the flowers. The yellow rose bush looks quite inspired indeed. I am so happy that the new rose bush seems to have acclimated well. I think I am going to take some photos of them close to dusk.

I am going to photograph them close to going to the gym. Then again, I do not know how much energy mother is going to have. I think this is just about it with my daily ramblings. I hope you like this photography I took.

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