Candy Cane Spanish Girl circa 1652

drawing, dress, princess -

Candy Cane Spanish Girl circa 1652

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It has been quite a while since I did image blogs. In this website, I am trying to focus on my own work or whatever. The originality of my website is a must, for serious reasons or whatever. Anyhow, I do not need to go into detail about my process. I am just trying to enhance your shopping experience or whatever. Everything you need to make an anime drawing like this one can be found here. The pens are Staedtler. The small lines were made with a Prismacolor pen. I used it to draw the skin. The main coloring was done with pencils. The skin color was drawn with lyra pencils. The makeup was done with Derwent Pastel coloring pencils. I used a blending stump for the cheeks.

The main dress is based on a painting that I saw. It jazzed up the colors a bit, to give it a bit more of an infantile look. I like how she looks a bit like a candy cane. I like candy cane more or less. Not a lot of dresses in the old day resemble food. When I get out of practice mode, I might design more dresses that resemble candy. It had nothing to do with what I am watching. Still, food has some of the best color designs out there. Then again, I am writing this while a bit hungry. Now, I am better since the food arrived. We really need to go out and buy some supplies. I think I am finally getting tired of eating pizza. I balance it out by eating a salad for dinner. Just replaced any meal with a salad and you are good to go.

Well, that is just about it. The maiden is from Spain. Spain has a rich history of costumes. For a while, these wide waisted dresses were pretty popular in the Spanish court. It lingered for about 200 years, before they went out of style. The monarchs of Spain used to get a lot of bad rap for being old fashioned. Also, the Inquisition was still relevant there, which was rather unpleasant. The worst inquisitor was from Spain as well. I will not go into details about the work of the Inquisitors. It is not the type of thing I enjoy talking about after eating. Just google it, and now you are good to go. I am just drawing a bit of a blank about the edges. I am now working on the collections. I am adding information about the brands and a pretty picture. It is all just superficial decoration, but I think it helps to make an informed decision. I always prefer for people to be happy with their purchase. I did not get into this business to make people unhappy.  

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