Caterpillars and other Annoyances

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Caterpillars and other Annoyances

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I am usually quite sympathetic with caterpillars and butterflies. I found two caterpillars munching on one of my plants. I was waiting for them to finish, but they were not getting done anytime soon. I made a decisions. At least my brother decided.

He moved the silly caterpillars to the Ferns. He was tired of hearing me complain about them. The stupid bugs almost killed one of my plants. I love pollinators as much as the next fellow, but there is a limit. The bugs were ok, as far as my brother told me.

They did not take well to the move. He moved them using a silly stick. They kept trying to poke him to poison him. He eventually managed the move. He told me they were ok. I have a nice surplus of pollinators. I do feel bad about the silly bugs, but I also felt bad for the plant.

I wanted to save both. This is enough as far as bugs are concerned. I really, really do not like bugs, even in butterfly form. I am partial to spiders. They are good luck and they keep the insect population down. They are useful for the whole mosquito infestation.

artsy sister,red flower,gardening

On other news, my white rose is doing really well. It is with hips. I might be able to grow roses from seeds. Did I forget to tell you that I do not like bugs. I really, really do not like bugs or honey bees. I like regular bees. They do not make the attempt to try to sting you.

Honey Bees are such douches. There is a lot of positive press about them because they are useful to making. I prefer mild manner bugs, that are not useful to people. A creature’s worth is not based on useful, but on over all disposition. This is my long winded way of saying that I prefer a bug with a personality.

I think I woke up a little with a complaining bug. Even my brother had to mention that I was like super whiny and annoying. Some things cannot be helped as all. I have been making good progress with the short story book. I have already added 6 pages to the roster.

Some might end up being novellas, considering the length of the dream. I am brainstorming a new front cover for the book. I am still waiting for the print version of the other book to make it into the market. This is enough as far as my ramblings are concerned. I hope you like my new floral photography.

artsy sister,white flowers,gardening

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