Closeup and Faraway Random Artsy Photos

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Closeup and Faraway Random Artsy Photos

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Today, I wanted to show you some photos I took a bit of a long time ago.

artsy sister, teddy bear, cute

They had been originally posted in my Blogger website.

 artsy sister, miami beach sunset photo, photo

Since my blogger went the way of the dinosaur, I figured I would post it in my Artsy Sister website.

 artsy sister, turtle, photo

Without any more introductions, I wanted to show you some closeup photos that I took.

 artsy sister, teresita blanco, butterfly

When I was in Florida International University, I took a photography class as part of my Journalism Major.

 artsy sister, sunset, photos

Such a class wasn’t required for my major.

 artsy sister, photos, rainbow

Still, I figured that a journalist should learn the basics of photography.

 artsy sister, mardi gras, photos

Anyhow, that class taught me everything I needed to know about me and my camera.

 artsy sister, miami beach, travel

The teacher also taught me how to print photographs. For Museums, they prefer to have printed photographs on display.

 artsy sister, horse, travel

With everything going digital, printed photos have gone a bit out of fashion. It is nice that Polaroids are making a comeback among certain circles.

 artsy sister, painting, art

In the old days, I used to just set the camera on automatic.

 artsy sister, miami beach, gift

After I finished the class, I learned about focal point, aperture, shutter speed and many other useful skills.

 artsy sister, key west, travel

This now brings me to my Closeup project. Most folks just take photos of items from far away.

 artsy sister, candles, travel

If you bother to get up close, you get to see a lot of cool amassing details. It is all about having the courage to step out of your comfort zone.

 artsy sister, bus, travel

Never be afraid to experiment. I tried to do closeups of items that I had available at home.

 artsy sister, candy, cute

Most of these photos were taken in my old Hialeah apartment. I think overall, it was a good camera exercise.

 artsy sister, travel, hialeah

I hope you like these olds photos that I took. Hopefully, they are new to you. I also added some faraway stuff or whatever.

 artsy sister, fence, cute

It is just a photo blog, with no real theme. Enjoy.  My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.     

 artsy sister, flowers, travel

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