Dan Tranh Music Instrument Anime Drawing

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Dan Tranh Music Instrument Anime Drawing

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This drawing features quite the elegant musical instrument. It goes by the name of Dan Tranh. The Dan Tranh is originally from Vietnam.

It is based on the Guzheng of China. It can be played alone or with other musical instruments. Folks can also sing to this musical instrument.

The Dan Tranh first appeared around the late 13th century. The original version had 14 strings. Around the 19th century, the 16 string version became the standard model.

The musicians play the instrument with the right hand, and they bend the strings with the left hand. The traditional form of playing the instrument relies on using 3 fingers.

It can also be played with all your fingers. Some players even use a bow to play it like a Cello. This makes it quite the versatile musical instrument.

I hope you learned a little something about this musical instrument. I hope that it inspires you to attend to learn the Da Tranh. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, Bye and God bless.

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