Doll Chateau in Moth Ballerina Dress
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I dressed up my doll in the ballerina dress of my blue fairy doll. Since both are Doll Chateaus, they can sport the same outfits.
I need to get around to getting new outfits for these dollies. This is easier said than done. They have quite the unique looking bodies.
In the end, I might just have to rely on ribbons. All dresses can be made to fit anyone, with the proper ribbons.
Then again, it is easier for a skinny doll to wear a dress that is bigger than her, and not the other way around. There is a limit to this, but I am feeling optimistic.
Even as I write this, I am brainstorming a new look for this dolly. I will deal with it, when I deal with it.
I hope that you look forward to it. There is going to be a video of this doll in my Artsy Sister Youtube channel. Please give a like and subscribe.