Dot Hack Gu Atoli reading Haseo’s Palm Anime Fanart

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Dot Hack Gu Atoli reading Haseo’s Palm Anime Fanart

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I wanted to make my first Dot Hack Gu fanart. After overthinking the fanart, this is what I made. I found this funny Norman Rockwell painting. I felt that this captured the essence of Atoli and Haseo’s “relationship” or whatever.

Atoli is reading Haseo’s palm. He isn’t very amused by what she is saying. Then again, he finds most of the things she says annoying, and yet he keeps coming back to her.

To make the image funnier, I had them swap out outfits. Think of it like a class change. So, they kept their original colors. They are walking in each other’s shoes to get understand one another.

This is at least what their marriage counselor suggested. LMAO. I have Haseo a Chim healing staff. The more Chims he has the stronger his healing spells.

If he is going to be a healer, he is going to be the best healer that ever healed, in the history of healers.  I hope you find this anime fanart amusing. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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