Floral Florida Flowers Photography May Vibes
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Today, I wanted to show you some of my flower photos. I take a dozen or so photos when the opportunity arises. It has been raining a lot.
So, I haven’t been able to get out much. This weekend I stayed at home. I made a few watercolors, but that is a topic for another blog.
Most of my floral photographs feature roses. Whenever my rose bushes produce a flower, I photograph it. They always look different.
The differences can only be appreciated if you look at all the photographs together. If I visit someone else’s gardens, I also photograph their nature.
I haven’t visited another chump in quite a while. Everything has been a bit of a bummer. Overtime, you lose your people skills.
You need constant brushes with society in order to build up your immunity. Now, I am starting to sound like a crazy person.
I am not going to bore you with the private facts of my life. So, moving along. You came here to look at flowers. This is what I promised to deliver.
The photos that do not feature roses were taken at someone else’s house. Mother has a doctor friend she visits once in a blue moon.
It was a baby shower party, I think. I don’t really remember. The visit took place almost half a year ago.
The owner of the house had done a lot of landscaping work during the plague. It was fun to see how much the place had changed.
I found it amusing to photograph whatever flower picked my interest. It is amassing what you can make with money to throw around.
Sadly, I only have three rose bushes to photograph. I always carefully meditate every purchase I make.
When you lived a fortnight under a bridge, it makes you quite frugal with your expenses. If the cost to benefit ratio doesn’t match, then I just don’t get it.
So, moving along. I photographed a few flowers as well as a willow tree.
If you plant a willow tree in your house, you need to remember that they come with ghosts included.
I think I ranted enough about my floral photography.
I hope that all the photographs I took make you smile.
This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.