Flowers and More Flowers
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Today seemed like a very nice day around the edges. I was bored a bit and all that. I am starting to regret spending so much time adding the dolls. I might as well share them.
There is no use in having content just laying there, doing nothing. I have been making decent progress in my silly game. I awoke earlier than people in my house. It seemed like the proper thing to do.
As of now, I am seeing a silly old movie. I like seeing movies that I saw when I was younger. There is a little bit of a nostalgia aspect about it. The house looks rather bright and the like.
Last night, I thought there was a lot of wind, but it was just a distortion of the ventilator caused by bed sheets. I do not like the sound of the wind as all. I think this is just about it as far as my nonsense is concerned.
I am just not in the a writing sort of mood. I am more in a drawing mood. It just seemed like such a bother to work hard for nothing. I suppose some things cannot be helped as all. Enjoy my red rose photo.