Flowers or Something Like it
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Today has been a bit of a drag. There was a bit of a blackout and we had to spend time outside our house. Mother tried cleaning the car, but as soon as she was done it rains enough to ruin it. We passed by the Publix a couple of times, but only worked up the energy to go to the bathroom.
We did go to Dennys. I drank a milkshake and ate some puppy pancakes. They were both rather delicious. Still, the milkshake left a lot to be desired. I suppose it has something to do with the chucky, icy ice cream. I spent the entire day playing that silly game of mine.
Now, I am going to give it a rest for a bit to focus on more important matters. I am still trying to work up the energy to get around editing my book. It is the weekend after all, and I feel quite beat. The main issue has to do with the leaves. There is just so many of them crowding up the garden as all.
I was thinking of buying more gimmicks for myself. The main issue is the money as all. I need to pick up as profit is concerned. Still, it is one of those slow, uphill battles. Once you get to the top is great. Still, the path up is rather annoying indeed. I am just thinking and planning around the edges.
I am going to add a new brand of nonsense. The main issue is the supply line. The source people really need to step up their game. I only add things lately that have a lot of them. I don’t want it to run out anytime soon. I mean, why bother out of stock, stuff or things close to running out.
It tends to be a bit infuriating around the edges. A plane fell recently and its got everyone paranoid as all. I don’t like flying on planes. It makes my ears pop and it nauseates me a lot. It is just all very boring, and the time seems to be super slow. I think this is just about it as far as my ramblings are concerned. I hope that tomorrow I can roost at my house for a bit.