Game Reviews: Just Cause 3, The Witcher 3, Kingdom Hearts DDD
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Just Cause 3 Game Review
Just Cause 3 was a pretty decent game. It is a real pity that the game was so short. The cities were larger, but there were a lot fewer places to visit. Frankly, the game was a lot larger in the second part. Something that I hated about the game was the loading screen. It took forever to get nowhere.
The game also explained a bit about Rico’s origin. His family was killed by the president of his home country. I think it takes place in Italy or something like it. The bases were pretty interesting. A few were a bit repetitive. One had a plane always shooting nukes at the main character.
It was quite the challenging to experience. The collecting schemes were quite time consuming. The tapes of the president were quite hilarious. As usual, no spoke normal English. All the dialogues were a bit jaded. It was a strain just trying to make sense of what they were saying.
The final battle at least made a bit more sense. Rico had to fight the evil tyrant who was riding a futuristic helicopter. It was a bit of a farfetched location. Fighting on top of an active volcano was pretty hard. On top of everything, the chopper had a force shield from time to time.
Another thing I did not like was the helicopter controls. They got really hard to control. In the second Just Cause, the helicopters moved seamlessly; now, they swirly around erratically. I have gotten most of the battle trophies. The only ones that remain are the sadistic trophies. They all sound pretty evil. I mean who comes up with these battle trophies?
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game Review
The Witcher is one of the best murder mystery games ever made. The only difference is that in the Witcher the culprit is usually a monster. The trick is figuring out what sort of monster has been terrorizing the poor peasants. A lot of cool creepy things happen in the game. All the side quests are interesting and enjoyable to do.
Some of the easter eggs too are fun to discover. In one cave, there was a rabbit among a bunch of skeletons. It was a reference to a Monty Python skit of the search of the Holy Grail. Another good mission is about the card tournament. Most people have to take the shinigami eyes from the girl. I however, won the card game with my own deck. As such, I did not have to share the reward with the girl.
The card game is a pretty neat way to get materials here and there. Most of the time, I have more crafting materials than I would ever need. Then again, I sort of play this game a bit like skyrim. I pick up whatever ingredient I run into. Some of the worse fights were against monsters I was too weak to manage. The first one of this sort was the Ancient Vampire.
Most of the Vampires in this game are kind of ugly. Those that are a bit of a cliché had be quite problematic. It was a bummer how I missed that the undertaker was the vampire. There was like a hundred tell-tell signs. Another fun thing to do in the game is get the Witcher laid.
He has personally spread a bunch of diseases over the last 100 years of his life. It is a wonder why his lover Yennefer sleeps with this guy. He has not bathed since he was at the castle. In the old days, he used to strip his armor to get a shaving. Now, they let him keep the armor on. It was a bit of a disappointing bummer, but what the hell.
Another interesting murder mystery was about the cursed Island. It had a girl who had run away with a mage. He had given her a potion to fake her death, but she thought it was poison. Long story short, she was eaten alive by rats. Her tragic death turned her into an angry poltergeist.
This game makes a lot more sense to the people who read the books. Frankly, I liked the side stories better than the main Cirri story. She was always in another castle. The story with the botchling was really, really creepy. The crones too were real freaky. I am glad I got to fight them for real.
In order to do this mission, I had to save the ugliest man in the world, who turned out to be an elf. I was also supposed to go with Cirri were she wanted to go, instead of the castle. From there, we went to this creepy tree were we saw the crones in their pretty form. It was fun to fight them with Cirri. It is a pity that the last crone stole her witcher amulet. I do not know how this is going to play into the final battle.
Speaking of final battle, I am almost at the end of the game. I was going to finish, but then the expansion pack came out. As such, I did Heart of Stone before advancing the game. The final boss in the heart of stone was the Devil. I had to risk Geralt’s immortal soul to save this douchebag from hell. Instead of getting a cat and dog for his wife, he made two demons take the form of such animals to serve his wife. When his servants left, he created a creepy caretaker to look after his wife.
It was such a beautiful medieval romance. The fight with the Heart of Stones guy, whose name eludes me, was pretty fun. He could teleport and the sword occasionally did a special move. I never learned how to counterattack, so I blocked most of the time. I also dodge rolled too often. This Dark Souls tactics served me well most of the time, except when fighting the caretaker.
Of all the boss fights, the fight with the Caretaker was the most entertaining. I could not block or even get lightly touched by his shovel. Otherwise, the bastard would heal 25 percent of my HP. This was a major setback since Geralt had a lot of HP when I got there. When he can’t hit the player, he summons corpses to strike down. It was quite the creepy battle.
The painted world of the corpse bride was pretty cool. She was also the coolest, emo looking character I have ever seen. She was also kind of looking too. All the maidens had splendid designs. This is the reason why the Witcher became the Game of the Year, and not Bloodborne. One needs to balance the gore with pretty things.
Other pretty moments were the wedding scene. The Witcher had to fulfill the 3 wishes of the Heart of Stone guy. He was acting as the proxy for the Devil. Anyhow, one of the wishes was to give the time of his life to a dead guy. The Witcher had to lend his body to a ghost guy to go to a wedding.
After the wedding, I had the Witcher get drunk his lady friend in order to make him get lucky. It was a pity that she threw up in the end, it made Geralt feel quite bad. I had the option of offering her flowers or wine. I figured he would have better luck with wine. Flowers rarely help guys get lucky. The getting someone drunk trick, never gets old.
The biggest let down in the game was when I discovered Eridin’s true identity. He looked like a guy who had come out straight out of Dark Souls 1 Darkwraith covenant. I was truly disappointed when I saw he was an elf guy. This may have been old news to the people who read the books or played the other games. However, this was news to me.
It really shattered my whole impression of Eridin and his home world. He must eat a lot of meat to get big and strong. This further reinforces the belief that a vegetarian diet only breeds weaklings. Just look at regular elves, or the noble panda. They certainly look fragile enough. Anyhow, this bombshell alone is keeping me from completing the game.
I just have a hard time taking an elven final boss seriously. I had the same problem when watching Hellboy II, the Golden Army. Tree huggers cannot handle metals. They need lumber and fire to make metallic objects. This would go against their beliefs that all trees are sacred and should be protected. In any case, metal works is more of a dwarven thing anyway. All fantasy books agree on this matter.
Speaking of dwarves, I remember this bizarre mission in the Witcher. He was investigating the disappearance of this Hobbit. Long story short, humans ate him. The Witcher called them cannibals. Then again, the definition did not fly seeing as though the humans did not eat one of their own species. Ergo, they were not cannibals. I am not saying it was ok for them to eat the Hobbit. Still, when worse comes to worse humans do eat their pet dogs to stave off starvation.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Game Review
Dark Souls 3 does not come out till April. As a result, we had a gap between games. In order to fill this gap, my brother and I bought Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. The game is getting closer to modern times. I was hoping that by this time they would have stopped with the whole game, within a game.
Ever since they killed the main character, the story in modern times is pretty much irrelevant. Anyhow, the game is about the twins Jacob and Evie Frye. They went to London to exact their revenge. It is another revenge driven storyline. Jacob wants to kill Templars and Evie wants to look for artifacts. Indeed, Evie is a he better assassin. She has all the stealth skills and she even crunches and climbs a lot better than her brother.
Jacob on the other hand is a good brawler. He kills his targets the old fashion way. This is well noted in his weapon of choice, the knuckles. As of now, we finally got around to playing the main storyline. We bought all the story related expansion packs, so we were pretty busy. They were pretty fun. The best one was the murder mystery. The final one was a bit of a cliché. The bad guy was the book writer. He wanted to steal the Queen’s Scepter.
After the mission was over, Evie kept the scepter. It had a hidden knife cane weapon. It was quite hilarious. I also found it pretty mean how they made fun of Jacob’s ideas. He had the right mindset when he formed the gang of the Rooks. If the enemy has a gang, then you must form a gang of your own. I mean, there is a method to the Templar’s madness.
In another side quest, we played all the bizarre stories of Charles Dickens. They were pretty entertaining, specially the one about Springhill Jack. He was a collection of bored Templars or insane assassins. He did use similar weapons and could parkour his way all over the city.
In sequence 4, the Karl Marx side quest opened up. I tried to kill the sob like 100 times. They still would not let me. To make matters worse, there was a mission where I was supposed to keep others from killing him. They portrayed the bastard in a positive light.
They forget that Marx wanted to make women communal property. They were to be shared by all misogynistic, working class poor. The Working Class poor don’t bathe, especially during the Industrial Revolution. I did not like that they put such ideological dribble in the game. I thought that Assassin’s Creed was supposed to be politics free.
I suppose some things cannot be helped… The only redeeming quality about the mission was that the twins did not join the communist party. Well, that was the only thing I did not like about the game. Moving along, the weapons were pretty neat. I also enjoyed the fight club sequences. Both twins could participate in the fight. When the girl fought, she truly did look like an ugly British lady. She has a certain charm…about her, but she is definitely not main character pretty.
The scenery was indeed beautiful. It was especially lovely in the interior of the palace. I used to sneak in there from time to time. At lower levels, one had to be assassin about everything or risk dying from a single club to the head. The addition of the grapping hook has made traveling the city easily. However, it makes one miss the ground events.
As such, I do not use it often. I was glad they removed the stupid explanations. The most famous of such explanations was the one about the Rope Dart. As of now, my brother is in Sequence 4 or 5, I do not remember. He usually plays as Jacob since he does not have the patience to sneak around much. Still, Evie is great at sneaking. Whenever she fights, she gives her opponents such a cane trashing.
The game did bring back the old twin daggers. However, they are more of a gimmick and nothing else. We never use them. The assassin’s daggers are shared between the twins. Each one has the dagger of their father. It is pretty obvious that the Assassin’s cult like Evie a lot better. She has their old secretive mentality. However, Jacob has more realistic mindset. One has to fight fire with fire.
Speaking of fire, the guns got finally got good. There was also an interesting battle on a train with a machine gun. Unlike regular game machine guns, Jacob had to reload it. It was pretty realistic about this aspect. What was not realistic was the annoying carriage fights. The worst part about them was driving on the left side. I have a pretty had time doing it, since I live in America. Here people drive on the right side.
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Finally Won
I have been playing this Kingdom Hearts game for quite some time. I think it came out in 2012 or something. Anyhow, the game is about Rikku and Sora’s shunin exam. They have to go into the sleeping worlds to find 7 keyholes. If they do, this magic guy is going to call them keyblade masters. He will also give them all sorts of new powers.
The worlds within were more or less the same. It had Traverse Town and the World that Never Was. I wished they would have added Hollow Bastion. It was my favorite Kingdom Hearts World. The storyline got a bit murky at the end. The game was more about Rikku than Sora.
All his boss battles were pretty hard. Others were almost impossible. In one, it had like 3 or 4 stages. The worst one was the one against young Ansem or Xehenort. As you may have noticed, I have a hard time spelling the bastard’s name. Anyhow, Ansem had the brilliant idea of merging his heart with 13 other vessels. He wanted to do some odd ritual with the 7 keyblades of light as well.
I could not follow the storyline after the bizarre time traveling explanation. At a certain point, Rikku had to enter Sora’s sleeping world to free him from an evil spell. I found it hilarious how Kairi had completely dropped out of the picture.
Her only role in the previous games was to be the damsel in distress. She was also necessary to keep the game from being an odd yaoi fantasy. They do have this bizarre chemistry. Frankly, I still liked the first Kingdom Hearts the best. It was cute when they were both fighting for the same girl.
The storyline was also a bit more jaded. The one thing I hated about the game was the absence of the Final Fantasy characters. Also, the coliseum was no longer fun. It was nothing more than a bizarre card game. The fight sequences were at least passable. All the battles were notoriously hard. It also did not help that I started the game in proud mode. It took a whole year to win the game. Then again, I played this Kingdom Hearts game sporadically.
Journey Game Review
Last night, I was really, really bored. The Dark Souls 3 expansion was not coming out for another month and dragon age was getting boring again. That was when my brother and I noticed Journey. The PlayStation Plus membership was offering the game for free to members.
As such, we decided to get the game and see what all the fuss was about. The game was actually really, really good. My mother was also watching me play it. She too liked it a lot. The game did not have any set of instructions, but I am a Dark Souls 1 veteran so I managed Ok.
I won the game in an hour and a half. Along the way, I met about 6 online players. One of them, I stuck with for two areas. One abandoned me along the way and the other I was forced to leave behind. He had to make a jump and he did not make it.
The flying schematics of the game were not too complicated. One needed a long scarf to maintain power. Around the end, my family was convinced that it was not the right way. I kept going because it went with the vision that I got from the white ghost lady.
The ending was pretty cute seeing as though I became a shooting star. Everything about the game Journey is pure gravy. You should buy it. It is a nice way to pass the time for a couple of hours. The game does not have saving. So if you do not want to lose your process you need to go to the next area.
Dark Souls 3 Ashes of Ariandel Game Review
Yesterday, I got around to playing the new Dark Souls 3 DLC. This DLC was unlike the other ones ever made by the Souls series. It was similar to the expulsion chambers with the open world feel to it. It was not too much of a dungeon crawler. Rather, it involved the player wondering aimlessly through this painted world. The funny thing was unlocking it.
The guy who lured me to this world was a total douche, like most people in Dark Souls. Even at my high level, the monsters were pretty strong. It was a good thing they caught me in the middle of my pyromancer file. Well, it was originally a magic file that got a bit jaded. As usual, I explored the area by helping out others.
One of the first things I noted was that the wolves are related to the 4 Kings. They spawn forever if you linger too much. From time to time, an even bigger wolf appears. In one of the areas, there was a rickety bridge leading toward a castle. Breaking the bridge, but from the castle’s side unlocks a shortcut to the Champion’s Gravetender boss.
I found that area while playing a prank to one of the people I was helping. While he was busy summoning another phantom, I destroyed the bridge, but from the other side. When I noted that he had gone down, I made a mental note to come back later. Behind the crabs in the lower frozen grounds, there are some screaming tree witches.
Anyhow, the last one has an ice spell behind her. Killing her also unlocks a stairs that were invisible while she was alive. These stairs lead to the first titanite slab. Other things worth mentioning are the creepy, ugly looking NPCs. So, do not be too hasty to strike at anything. The bird maidens got a creepy upgrade. They can easily kill you if you are not careful. The same thing can be said of all monsters.
Still, the giant knight type monsters can be taken over with pyromancy. Almost all the monsters are weak to fire, so have an eternal fire enchant ready. My staff with the profane flames was very useful. It was also useful against the first boss that I have found. The Champion was in the middle of a field of flowers. If one takes too long to kill him at the end, he starts using magic.
This was bad because of my dusk crown. The real danger is his wolf partner. He has a way of instant killing you easily. He also does one of those slow walks to trick you into stopping and healing. Trust me; the best way to handle the bastard is to imagine that he is the Storm Ruler. Both have pretty similar charging parameters. All in all, it is a fun DLC, and it is keeping me busy to say the least.
Pokemon Moon Game Review
Today, I got my pre ordered Pokemon Moon game. I had it already ordered before the Pokemon Go game came about. This game takes place in Hawaii. Instead of pokemon gym leaders, they have Big Kahunas. There is also a certain bit of pokemon religion revolving the guardian pokemon of each island. The main girl meets one of the guardians early in the game.
So far, I have not advanced a lot. I have only been playing it for the last 3 hours or so. The pokedex now is possessed by a Rotom. He gives quirky advices from time to time. Unlike Pokemon Omega Ruby, this one lacks the sneak function and summons pokemon functions. Now you have to run around, and play a game of chance.
It is a bother that they had those items removed; they were pretty useful for catching Pokemon. The Rotom at least gives you a general idea were your mark might be located. Another thing I have yet to see is the punching bag. Without it, it is back to good old fashioned IV training. I guess it means magikarbs are back to being punching bags.
This is assuming that they are still there. In the first area, there are a few of the first generation pokemon. They include Caterpie, Slowbro and Pichu. Rattata also got a bit of a makeover. This one walks in two legs. For my starter I chose Litten, the little fire kitten. The game did keep the bonding features; from time to time you can groom your pokemon. Their coat gets messed up as a result from battle.
You can also threat their status ailments, when the grooming option appears. It is certainly cheaper in one’s budget, than buying antidotes like crazy. Instead of cake, the Hawaii pokemon prefer to eat beans. Beans are actually good for you, instead of the eternal crumb cakes the pokemon in the previous generations ate. All in all, I am having fun, though the day and night times are inverted in this game.
Final Fantasy XV Game Review
Yesterday, I got the new Final Fantasy XV. I had it pre-ordered for almost an entire year. This game was akin to Kingdom Hearts, but more serious. After skipping the tutorial, the game started with a scene from the end or the middle. They were fighting something that looked like the freaking devil. It had fire and everything. It really looked like the freaking THE Devil.
I was like “Someone, get me a gun or something”. After the Devil burned Noctis’ eyebrows, the game goes back to the start. Noctis is leaving his home with his court appointed friends to marry a princess. They have been engaged since they were children. The realism of the game was staggering. It was like watching a high definition CGI movie.
Together with his three friends, Noctis starts ridding out to the kingdom. Part of the marriage contract implies having to leave his home country to rule elsewhere. His father gave Noctis a fancy classical car as a gift. Along the way, he gets a flat and Cid and his daughter Sindy must fix the car. The path leading toward the other Kingdom resembles the American South West.
Even the flag looks like the American flag somewhat. So far, I have not advanced much in the story. The world map is really big and there is plenty to do. I have not gotten used to the battle system. Even when occasionally making mistakes, I have managed to defeat monsters that were at least twice my level. The real problem occurs when the boys stay up to late. At night, Iron Giants and other creeps appear.
The game brought back the draw spots. It also has 3 interchangeable weapons. Of the heavy weapons, the Day One Edition came with the Masamune. The masamune was useful enough. The battle system is a bit challenging. The game is as hard as you want to make it. If you have the courage, you can take on monsters that are many times stronger. I got my first game over recently.
I was exploring this cave filled with Goblins when this samurai guy almost killed me. With one of HP, the Goblins in the floor below made quick work of me. The level up system is interesting enough. After accumulating battles, the party must pitch a tent. While eating and hanging out in the campfire, the guys share their experience of the battle and thus level up. It is pretty realistic as far as leveling up is concerned. The foods also gives useful bonuses.
Another thing that made a comeback was the hunting missions. You can hunt specific monsters for a reward. The dinners and other places usually are a good source of missions. They marks are usually limited to your hunting rank. Aside from this, the game within a game I found was pretty boring. They should go back to the card games, like the ones in Final Fantasy VIII and IX. All in all, it is a pretty fun game. I can’t wait to play it again tomorrow.
The Legend of Zelda Game Review
The Legend of Zelda is one of the longest running game series. For a while, I thought Zelda was Link. This was before I learned a bit of English. It was a bummer playing those games not speaking the language. Then again, it was my brother who mostly played the games. I simply watched him, not paying much attention.
The first one he played was the Ocarina of Time. It was cute, except for the Water Temple. He took forever to get through the level. Frankly, I liked better Majora’s Mask. One had a set amount of time to win the game, before the final boss dropped the moon. This involved a lot of annoying time travel. Had Zelda been smart, he would have gone back to the Ocarina of Time.
One of the people in the village was that Skull kid who stole the mask. He could have gone terminator on him and avoided Majora’s Mask. Then again, there is not much fun in such an easy victory. All in all, it showed the joy of time traveling, and everything it implied. The other games were so-so. At least Majora’s Mask was interestingly hard.