Gem of Doll Jeremy in Feathery Priest Outfit

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Gem of Doll Jeremy in Feathery Priest Outfit

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I did a new bjd doll photoshoot. It decided to photograph my new doll Jeremy.


The outfit he is sporting was made by Gem of Doll. The wig is from Dollmore.


His head is the same size as most ¼ dollmore dolls. It is useful to have dolls of similar built.


It makes clothing shopping easy. This outfit came with the new doll.


I felt like it was a good a time as any for him to sport the outfit.


It has a lot of small moving parts. The entire look makes me think of a priest or maybe a white magus.


I think it is a good look for him. I gave him a short black wig.


His original white wig didn’t seem to go with the outfit. It is a lot of fun to overthink his look.


I took a variety of poses. I also made a video for my Artsy Sister Tiktok and Youtube channels.


I hope that you find them amusing. The background is interesting enough. I painted it.


I am quite proud of it. I should paint new background settings.


However, that is a bit of a pain. The time I spend painting, it is time that I do not spend drawing.


My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.


Bye, bye and God bless. Let us talk more about dolls.


I have been window shopping for new doll outfits.


I am waiting to see a good offer.


Perhaps, there is something that might pick my interest.


The latest bjd doll outfit just arrived in the mail.


I sadly need more guy outfits.


I suppose there are some things that cannot be helped.


I will deal with it, when I deal with it.


I ranted enough.


Take care.


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