Happy Fourth of July Pouring Art

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Happy Fourth of July Pouring Art

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A few days ago, I got around to making some new pouring arts. I made them themed after the fourth of July.

The first one features an American flag. The other two are based on fireworks. I added glitter to the fireworks paintings.

artsy sister, pouring painting, happy fourth of july

I didn’t do too much gimmick to the American flag. I wanted it to maintain some hints of its original look.

The paintings changed a lot as they dried. Depending on the pouring mediums is how much the paint flows, when it is sitting down.

 artsy sister, pouring art, happy 4th of july

My pouring paints usually take an entire day to dry. I made these three paintings on wooden panels.

They are perfect for these types of artworks. The paint flows super smoothly, so, I do not need to apply a lot of paint to make a finished artwork.

 artsy sister, pouring art, acrylic painting

As of now, I have two types of white paints. One is thick, and the other thin. The thick paint I use it when working with black backgrounds.

When it dries, it maintains its original color. For the fireworks, I was making an experiment. In the first painting, I added glitter first.

 artsy sister, pouring art, painting

On the second painting, I added the glitter last. In one version of the fireworks, I made them my moving the paint with a stick.

In the other version, I blew on the paints with a straw. This created the nice explosion effects.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, pouring art

I hope you like my newest pouring art. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Happy Fourth of July everybody.

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