Hollow Knight Ancient Greek Foot Racing

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Hollow Knight Ancient Greek Foot Racing

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I made a new Hollow knight Greek fanart. The idea sounded good in my head. Though, the execution is a bit simple. Anyhow, I did a poll in Youtube to decide the next fanart.

The winner of the poll was Ancient Greek Foot racing. All the racers are men. During Greek times, it wasn’t allowed for women to participate in the Olympics. One time a woman did race disguised as a man.

She won the race by running faster than all the guys. To keep this from happening again, all the racers now ran without outfits. In the reference vase, I erased all the dongs.

This made it easier to share the image in various locations. All the Hollow Knight are running without outfits, following the ancient Greek tradition.

It was an interesting effort to say the least. I hope that you found this fanart amusing and educational. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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