Hollow Knight Army of Darkness Fanart

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Hollow Knight Army of Darkness Fanart

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I made a new Hollow knight fanart. The theme was horror movie posters. I did a poll in my Artsy Sister Youtube. The winner of that poll was Army of Darkness. I guess a lot of folks wanted to see a Hollow knight version of that movie poster.

I looked through all the Hollow Knight characters. In the end, I chose the impure vessel to play Ash from Evil Dead. Both lost an arm. I figured that the Impure vessel would replace it with a chainsaw.

He learned all about Chainsaws from his father. The chick sitting beside him is Hornet. She usually wears red. So, I added her in the cover. She is being protected by her elder brother.

For the background elements, I chose the grim troupe. I felt that there was a need for something red. The bad guys are to be played with the fools from the colosseum.

So, this is about everything that went into the making of this fanart. I hope you find it amusing.

You can see the video of this fanart in my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok Channels. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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