Hollow Knight Bug with a Pearl Earring Painting Parody

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Hollow Knight Bug with a Pearl Earring Painting Parody

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Today, I was in the mood to make a painting parody, using Hollow Knight characters.

I chose an easily recognizable painting: The Girl with a Pearl Earring by Jan Vermeer. Hornet seemed like the perfect character to embody this maiden.

artsy sister, the hollow knight, the girl with a pearl earring parody

Both have a certain fragility about them, but also a source of inner strength. It was interesting reworking the turban for her horns.

I figured that it would coil around both horns, instead of making it a solid piece. The final thing was adding the shine of the fabrics and the earring.

 artsy sister, the hollow knight silksong, the girl with a pearl earring parody

I had to match the shading of the original painting. It wasn’t too hard of a project. I had a lot of work piling on, so, I made only a single Hollow Knight character.

 artsy sister, hollow knight silksong, the girl with a pearl earring parody

The black background of the painting removed the need to make a complicated background. So, I was able to put all my efforts in Hornet.

Anyhow, I hope that you like my latest Hollow Knight Art Parody. I think it came out pretty neat.

 hollow knight silksong, girl with a pearl earring parody, artsy sister teresita blanco

I will have a video of the drawing being made in Youtube and Tiktok. So, look forward to it. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister teresita blanco, hollow knight silksong parody, girl with a pearl earring parody

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