Hollow Knight Degas Painting Parody Marissa and Monomon as Ballerinas

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Hollow Knight Degas Painting Parody Marissa and Monomon as Ballerinas

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Today, I did a new Hollow Knight Painting parody. This time I was poking fun at an Edgas Degas Ballerina painting. He has more than 1500 ballerina paintings. He was born rich, but one day his family went bankrupt.

To escape the poor house, Degas began to paint ballerinas like crazy. His ballerina paintings always sold well. Through them, he was able to rebuild his family fortune.

artsy sister, hollow knight, parody

Changing these Hollow Knight maidens was an easy task. Monomon’s Jellyfish body lends itself well to the ballerina anatomy. I removed her creepy coat, and I exposed her arms. For Marissa, I made her skirt far more bulbous.

I placed Marissa in the background due to her butterfly wings. Her wings cover up a lot of space. So, this saved me the trouble of having to draw too many background elements. This ballet is taking place inside Monomon’s dream world.

artsy sister, ballerina bjd, cute dolls

The dreamworld of the dreamers was extremely undeveloped. So, I decided to elaborate it using the power of my imagination. I figured that Monomon would dream of Marissa.

Marissa was a popular entertainer of the city of Tears. So, it makes sense that Monomon would be a fan of her work. In order to balance out both ballerinas, I added pink flowers to Monomon’s hair and dress.

artsy sister, hollow knight lineart, edgar degas ballerina parody

To remind the viewers of the dreamworld, I added the dream nail wheels here and there. This helped add a bit of light to the dark background. The dream wheels are being emitted by Marissa.

She is the dream, while Monomon is the dreamer. The dreamworld of the Hollow Knight is such an interesting concept. You can do so much using dreams as a jumping off point.

artsy sister, hollow knight, parody

In the background, you can see withered flowers. They represent the nightmare of reality starting to creep into the dreamworld.

Monomon went to sleep when the plague started to ravage her kingdom.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, edgar degas parody

So, these withered flowers serve as a reminder of the waking world she left behind.

I think I ranted enough about my newest Hollow Knight drawing.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, edgar degas parody

I hope you find it amusing. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.

Bye, bye and God bless.

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