Hollow Knight Master Grimm Botticelli Painting Parody Art

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Hollow Knight Master Grimm Botticelli Painting Parody Art

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Today, I made a new Hollow Knight painting art parody. The painting that I chose to parody is the Virgin and Child with Eight Angels by Botticelli. Botticelli is famous for his Greek paintings, but the bulk of his work were Catholic paintings.

When I saw this painting, something clicked inside of me. I saw the laurel flowers and the combination of characters. They all seemed ripe for parody. Taking the place of the Virgin Mary, I have Master Grimm.

He too had an immaculate conception of his Grimmchild. Surrounding Master Grimm are his eight “angels” or Grimmkin. In the original painting, the angels are singing using a prayer book.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, hollow knight master grimm

Instead of a book, the Grimmkin are singing using a Wanderer’s Journal. These journals are written in hollowed out eggshells. They tend to last a little longer. Paper has gone out of style in the Hollow Knight world.

The boss battle of Nightmare Grimm has a choir singing in the background. So, this is what I am alluding to with the journals. Instead of laurel flowers, the Grimmkin are holding up torches.

This eternal flame is the symbol of the covenant they have with Master Grimm. Master Grimm is holding his only begotten son. The Grimmchild is destined to be sacrificed as an adult in order to save his species.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, hollow knight game

So, the Grimmchild and baby Jesus have this in common. Jesus too was destined to die to save mankind. The only difference between the two is that the Grimchild was “born” from a man, while baby Jesus was born of a woman.

Everything else is identical. Jesus’s father is the Holy Ghost aspect of God. The Holy Ghost is the genderless, unknown aspect of God. This is why the Holy Ghost is always depicted as a Dove.

The father of the Grimmchild is the Genderless Ghost, aka the Chibi Knight. Throughout the game, the Chibi Knight eventually ascends to Godhood. Following this crazy logic, the Grimmchild and Jesus are the sons of God.

artsy sister, hollow knight, game parody

On top of the torches, there is the heart of the nightmare. When Nightmare Grimm dies, the top canopy breaks. All that is left behind is the resurrected Grimmchild.

I think they too were affected by the plague. This crazy ritual was the only way they found to resurrect the last of their kind, the Grimmchild. So, when you kill master Grimm, he resurrects as the Son.

artsy sister, hollow knight lineart, anime drawing

Think of it like a snake eating his own tail. The Grimm Child and Master Grimm are one and the same. I am me, and you are me and we are all together.

The other two defined characters are Brumm and Divine. They play a significant role in the Grimm sidequest.

hollow knight, game review, artsy sister

So, this is why I featured them prominently in the drawing. They are the only two members of the Grimmtroupe that look different.

I suspect that in their youth, they too participated in the Nightmare Grimm ritual. So, Divine is the Grandmother of Master Grimm, while Brumm is the Father.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, game

This is why Brumm is the bug guarding the entrance to the Master Grimm battle Arena.

This is why he tries to persuade the player not to participate in the ritual.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, games

He doesn’t want his only begotten son to be sacrificed for the sins of Grimm kind.

artsy sister, game parody, parodies

I think I ranted enough about this crazy drawing for one day.

This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, hollow knight grimm troupe

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