Hollow Knight Playing Billiard or Pool Game

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Hollow Knight Playing Billiard or Pool Game

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I made a new Hollow Knight fanart. Here the characters are playing pool. The main character is Quirrel. He pierced through the pool table. Hornet is telling him to get good. Salubra is just chilling in the background.

Grimm is pitching a fit because that is his pool table. Disaster always happens when they gather together for game night. The collector is also watching the game. He is always there trying to hustle. 

However, pool is more of a skill game. So, it might be harder for him to do a little scheme. The painting was made by Arthur Sarnoff. He does dogs playing various games.

I hope that you find my Hollow version of his artwork amusing. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless. I made a vide of this Hollow knight fanart. You can check it out in my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok pages.

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