Hollow Knight White Lady and Pale King Winterhalter Painting Parody

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Hollow Knight White Lady and Pale King Winterhalter Painting Parody

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I did a poll to see the couple that I would draw this week. The winner of that poll was the Pale King and the White lady.

After looking at a bunch of paintings and movie poster, I settled for this little number. I felt like it would be fun to dress them up in other outfits.

 artsy sister, hollow knight, drawing

As to be expected, the White Lady towers over her husband. So, her dress needed to be the center of attention.

The Pale King I dressed in red. It was the only way for folks to notice him. I think the Hollow Knight drawing came out alright.

 artsy sister, hollow knight, fanart

I spent a lot of time in the little floral details of the outfit. It isn’t anything too fancy. I still hope that it makes you smile.

I chose to make a couple drawing because Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. I hope you find my latest drawing Amusing.

 artsy sister, hollow knight fanart, game

The painting itself was made by Franz Xaver Winterhalter. It is the Portrait of Queen Isabella II of Spain and her daughter.

I changed a few of the colors of the Queen’s dress. The original painting was a little too white. I think my version looks a little better.

 artsy sister, hollow knight, fanart

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

Before I forget, I also did a short of this drawing you can see it in my Tiktok and Youtube Artsy Sister channels. Take care.

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