Ink Art: Blue and Red Nebulous Bubbles Synesthesia Inspired Art

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Ink Art: Blue and Red Nebulous Bubbles Synesthesia Inspired Art

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Today, I wanted to show you my new ink art. It is mostly blues and reds. It is inspired by Synesthesia.

I was trying to paint a song. I hope you find it amusing. It is a classical song. I got it from a vinyl record called Background Music for Every Mood.

It is fun to paint with music. It is different with writing. I prefer complete silence when I am writing. It helps my thoughts flow a little better. I am almost a third of the way done with my new book.

I already figured out the format of it. It is nice to see when everything comes together. There is also a video of my artwork in my Artsy Sister Tiktok and Youtube pages.

The other blue painting has copper and silver. It is more of a blue artwork. I hope you find it amusing. I think I ranted enough for one day. Please like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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