Ink Art: Green and Silvery Spirals Synesthesia

alcohol ink, painting -

Ink Art: Green and Silvery Spirals Synesthesia

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I made new ink art. The first one features a warm looking painting. It was inspired by a warm looking song.

My brother had synesthesia. So, he described to me what the music looked like, while I painted. It was a fun bonding project.

The second painting is a spiral of silver and copper. There is a slight overlay of blue and green. They are both very faint dabs.

I photographed two painting details. I also made a Youtube and Tiktok video of my new ink art.

Please like and subscribe to my Artsy Sister Channel. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.

Bye, bye and God bless. Let us move things along, shall we. Take care.

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