Ink Art: Hello and Blue Heart Paintings

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Ink Art: Hello and Blue Heart Paintings

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Today, I wanted to show you the last alcohol ink paintings that I made. I usually make these paintings in batches.

Once I have the videos posted online, I get around to making the blogs about these artworks. I made these two paintings using Pixiss art supplies.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

The paper was made by Pixiss, as well as the ink. The water I used to thin out the paints was provided by Zephyrhills. I am just kidding.

I chose purified water because tab water has chlorine and fluorine. They mess with the consistency of the paints. It is interesting to observe the different between using water and alcohol.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting beautiful

In the first batch of ink paintings that I made; I used rubbing alcohol to thin out the paints. This time I used purified water.

There was a visible different between using one or the other. It wasn’t a bad different. It was just different as all. It is all a matter of taste. After all, water has been used in painting since time immemorial.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I didn’t use brushes to make these paintings. The pixiss paint bottles have very small, thin tips. This allows for careful application of paint.

You can even use them as pens if you press them against the paper quick enough. I am still learning how to use this new medium.

 artsy sister, ink painting, calligraphy

I learn by doing. Once I get complete mastery of ink painting, I am certain that I will be able to produce interesting artworks.

On the meantime, here is what I ended up paintings. The first painting features the word Hello. The other is a blue heart against a golden background.

 artsy sister, ink dots, blue ink

I used a complimentary color scheme. When in doubt, just turn to the color wheel. It removes a lot of guess work, as far as picking the colors for your paintings.

For the Hello painting, I first made a blue dot background. In the middle, I added a creamy golden sun.

 artsy sister, ink, painting

I then wrote in cursive the word Hello. It ended looking a little meh.

This isn’t a painting that I particularly like. I was trying to combine calligraphy with ink art.

 artsy sister, blue heart, ink painting

This is what I ended up making. It was an interesting effort to say the least.

I learned much from it. The final ink painting that I wanted to show you features a blue heart.

 artsy sister, alcohol ink art, painting

There really isn’t much to say about it.

It is a blue heart, against a golden background.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I used two different shades of blue to make the heart.

I think it ended up looking rather gloomy.

 artsy sister, calligraphy ink art, painting

Like before, I took a series of photos of my paintings.

You have the wet form and the dry forms of my artworks.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I also photographed a few different painting details.

 artsy sister, ink heart, blue heart painting

With a larger canvas, I have more variate of details I can work with.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

The problem is that larger papers use up more art supplies.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting gold

It also takes longer to make a finished artwork. I hope you like my latest ink paintings. I worked really hard on them.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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