Ink Art: Red and Gold Christmas Orbs Painting

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Ink Art: Red and Gold Christmas Orbs Painting

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artsy sister, ink art, painting

I made new ink art. I am still doing the Christmas theme. After the 24th, there are not going to be new Christmas themed paintings.

There would just be no point to it. I will probably do some fireworks or maybe snowflakes.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

Who knows? I am just getting ahead of myself. The ink and paper were made by Pixiss.

I have gotten a lot of millage from those art supplies. I also made a Tiktok and Youtube video of my artworks.

 artsy sister, ink art, christmas

You can check that out if you prefer to see a video. I also photographed the dry and the wet versions of the painting.

Let us move things along. In the first painting, I didn’t saturate the paper with ink.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I simply used the bottles. I left areas unpainted because I needed white.

With inks, it is best to use the white of the paper. I started with two red swirl patterns.

 artsy sister, ink painting, arts

I then added the green leaves. I added a few pink dots into the green to add interest.

The final thing I added was the gold into the red. I think this artwork came out alright.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

The second painting I saturated the paper with ink to paint the red parts.

It ended up looking a bit like the red planet. In the middle, I had greenish hue.

 artsy sister, ink, painting

The gold ink had gotten very think with my constant adding of rubbing alcohol.

I added that in order to make use of it for as long as possible.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

Still, there comes a time when the bottle is going to run out, regardless of how much painting medium you use.

 artsy sister, ink art, christmas ornaments

I had to readd the golden ink a few times before it settled on the red. All in all, it was an interesting effort.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

I hope you like my latest ink paintings. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister, ink art, painting

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