Inside of a Restaurant Photo

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Inside of a Restaurant Photo

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Today, some weirdoes knocked at our door. I was asleep at the time. My brother described the people that were knocking on our door. It was three chicks dressed like goths. My brother naturally did not open the door. We tend to be a bit paranoid about visitors. There is more than enough movies about people getting killed by mysterious visitors. It is for this reason that we only receive people we are expecting.  I suppose we do see a lot of horror movie. This might be changing the way we see the world. Some things cannot be helped. When we were small, we got robbed twice after our old man died. This helped us take the whole stranger danger, seriously.

Just think a bit. The world is full of people that got killed for being polite. If you feel yourself in danger, do not worry about being rude. It is better to be rude and alive, that politely dead. This is well illustrated in hundreds of horror and thrillers that start the same way. A folk says that he needs to use your phone, and then it is game over. It has become a movie cliché. It is just a much of a cliché as going into the forest. You do not need to go into the forest with anyone in particular. Just being there, you are bound to get into trouble, if you are not the douche with the Gun. Well, this is enough about my little paranoias. If you want to speak with me, send me a letter in the real world. Write it with some fancy cursive. I do not like answering stuff online. People online tend to be super rude. They feel that anonymity gives them free reins to be a douche. As Jesus once said, what comes out of your mouth taints your soul. Even if you think you are joking, you still said it or wrote it.

This is why I am always careful about what I say.  People say that actions speak louder than words. Still, word begets action, and it inspires actions. Words will always be primordial. Through Logos, the world was created, and words will always retain their power. Sorry, I blended a bit into V for a second. I like that movie a lot. It ruined an entire generation. Then again, this is just my personal opinion. My contemporaries have always disappointed me. This is in part due to my experience in school. Whenever I was in school, my peers were always douches. In order to avoid them, I used to sit with the special kids. Nobody ever sat with them. It got to such a point that people even stared questioning my intelligence. All in all, everyone I ever met that was from my generation has been a disappointment.

This is just about it for my day. I ate tacos too. As of now, I am waiting a bit before sinking down on my piece of cheesecake. The photo that I took was done with my Fujifilm camera. It has the strength of lens that I want. I can even use it as a telescope to look at the craters in the moon. If you notice in the restaurant, there is a little rooster. There is a lot of wild roosters in the Florida Keys. They are cute and they do not bother anyone. If you are there, do treat them nice like. I hope you find this photo useful for your projects. Well, that good old Spyro is calling me. So, message over and out. I can’t wait for the new junk I ordered to arrive!

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