Jeweled Flower Mantis Ink Art

alcohol ink, ink, painting -

Jeweled Flower Mantis Ink Art

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I made new ink art. I was in a mantis type of mood. I painted a jeweled flower mantis. It has a lot of pretty color.

So, it seems like the perfect subject to paint. Most folks paint butterflies. I decided to paint a different bug. I started by painting the background. I then started to paint the bodies.

I added the highlights with metallic paints. I photographed two painting details. I also made a video of my artwork. You can check it out in my Artsy Sister Tiktok and Youtube channels.

These little critters are native to Asia. The like humid environments. I hope you find this information amusing. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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