Jose Royo, the Modern Day Impressionist Artist

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Jose Royo, the Modern Day Impressionist Artist

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As it happens, whenever I get bored of rating popular culture, I rate some paintings. Today, I wanted to feature the artwork of Jose Royo. He is a Spanish Impressionist artist. He is still alive and painting well. I think he has about 150 something paintings. From his work, I found that ,at least, 46 of his paintings were 5 stars worthy. 

Before I rate these paintings I want to explain Impressionism. Impressionism is the study of light and its effect on colors. All that matter is that the paintings look shinny and they give you the flashing impression of something or someone. The first painting shows two cute ladies. One has a song book, while the other has a guitar. The light falling upon the maidens gives them a lovely rosy warm color.

This painting whose title alludes me is really pretty. She is in a side profile. The fan has dancing maiden painted on it. Her posture is quite graceful.  The light is coming from above. It is focused on her face. 

This painting is called Pink. I think it was mistranslated. Methinks, the true title was Rosa as in Rose. Regardless, this impressionism painting showcases the colors red and pink. There is back lighting in this painting. The shadows on this tanned maiden's face gives her a warm reddish glow. She came out looking really pretty.

This painting is called La buena Fortuna or The Good Fortune. This painting features a gypsy. The tarot card she holds, represents Good Fortune: Good Monetary fortune. Like most gypsies, she is wearing a very hot attire. To spice things up, Royo made her clothing of strong reds and orange colors. Her odd necklace is also a talisman for cursing people.

Its a standard issue among all gypsies. Normally, the Card is shown either upside down, or upside up. This Fortune card is side way. We have yet to tell if the Good Fortune is going to be received or taken. This painting holds many mysteries.

This painting is called Mirame or Look at Me. Judging by her sad expression, the lover of this maiden has abandon her. She is saying "Look at me". She wants her lover to see how sad he has left her. She holds the flowers he brought her. That is all that is left of her beloved. This painting has a spotlight effect. It forces the viewer to look at this sad maiden.

This painting is called memory. This maiden is in a thinking pose. Judging by the flower in the basin, this maiden is remembering her lost love. She has some of the roses on her hair. 

This painting is about this maiden's golden veil. She is using it to cover her shoulders. As usual, this maiden has a bouquet of flowers. The light source is falling on her shoulder, illuminating the golden veil as well. 

This painting is called among the blues. Its just about the color blue. In the center, a maiden is complimenting the background. There is a lovely flow in the background. The maiden's ribbons imitate the energy of the background. Her pose bears reminiscence of the start of a dance. This maiden is dancing to the sound of the blue music around her. I think that is everything worth mentioning.


Here is a pretty Spanish model. She is striking a pose. She is dressed like a gypsy maiden. Gypsy women represent the ideal natural beauty in Spain. She is like the wild roses she has collected. This maiden is also striking a dance pose. The fan is part of her dance. The light source comes from the top right of the painting. I think that is everything worth mentioning.

This maiden is thinking of her lover. She was looking at the flowers. However, her thoughts have just been interrupted. She is looking at someone behind her, who has just entered. She is sitting before an opened window. The light is falling over the flower basin.

This painting features the Side profile of this maiden. Her hairdo is really pretty. I like the flow of the blue background. It gives a lot of motion to this still painting. The light source is falling directly on her side profile. It illuminates her face and bare shoulder. 

This lovely maiden is giving a reverence. She is showing off her lovely beauty. Her hair is decorated by roses. Her white dress seems to be made of the white background It is shinny and glimmering, very pretty. 

This maiden is succulent, just like the apple. She is ripe, ready for the taking. Any painting with an apple, refers to the original sin, the sin that brought us all to existence. Pretty hot if you ask me. The light source falls on both the maiden and the apple. I think that is everything worth mentioning. 

This is the last painting for now. It features a yellow umbrella. The little girl is wearing a lovely pink dress. Her hair is flowing in the wind. Her little hat compliments well the yellow umbrella. The pink flowers were set to match the colors of her dress. The blueish background makes her stick out a lot in the painting. It makes her look more 3D.  I have another Jose Royo blog planned for the future. I am certain that you will like his Impressionistic paintings a lot.

The first painting is called "lady with a fan". The pretty maiden has a fan with a peacock painted on it. As usual, the maiden is averting her gaze from the viewer. It adds a bit of mystery to this painting. The rose garden in the background is a lovely detail. 

Lets move right along. Here is another lovely summer themed impressionism painting. This lady is wearing a lovely summer dress. She is using her umbrella to keep her flowers from flying off. As usual, she has her head bent low. 

This next painting shows the same maiden by the beach. Here she is striking a pose.  Her pink dress looks really pretty. I find interesting the yellow hair band of this pretty maiden. As usual, the colors are quite warm.

In this painting, this maiden is having breakfast. She is simply drinking some coffee or tea. She is having breakfast in the patio. The background is quite colorful. She is averting her gaze from the viewer. The shades on her face give her a lovely glow. The flowers beside her is like those of van Gogh.

Here we see two figures. Both are using umbrellas. Methinks they are dancing. I like how their colors are contrasting.  One has a white dress and yellow umbrella, the other has a yellow dress and a white umbrella. I like how the white dresses reflects the golden umbrella.

The next painting shows a pair of dancers. The pair also refers to these pair of paintings. They go together. They both look really pretty. The motion of the dancers is pretty amassing. Got to love that wind.

This is one of the few interior painting of Jose Royo. Here a pretty maiden in sitting down. Behind her we see a painting. I also see a still life of fruits and her reflection in the mirror. Her white dress is really pretty.

This painting is a bit different. Here the maiden is actually looking at the viewer. This painting shows a play of light and shadows. It is really neat how light affects the colors and hues of her white dress.

Above, we see a maiden playing a lyre. She is looking at some flowers near her. I love the shades of colors on her dress. Her tanned skin goes well with the colors of her dress and guitar. 

The next maiden is hanging out in the outdoors. She collected some flowers and has oranges for a snack. She is sitting behind a bush of flowers. What a pretty maiden. She is sitting there placidly. You know, like the title of the painting. Simple, and graceful. 

This is the last featured Jose Royo painting. Its yet another yellow umbrella painting. Here the maiden ,with her yellow umbrella, is walking among the flowers. She is collecting them. I guess that is a pass time of maidens that live in rural Spain. It certainly seems like a lovely hobby. Fresh air and beautiful flowers.  I hope that you liked this lovely impressionism artist. The next featured artist is Fuseli. I still got a few paintings I wanna feature from that guy.

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