Kinuko Y Craft Fairy Tales Illustrations

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Kinuko Y Craft Fairy Tales Illustrations

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Kinuko Y. Craft is a Japanese born artist. She does illustrations for plays and fantasy wallpapers. She also likes to illustrate fairy tale books. She has won many awards for her artwork. This first review focuses on her fairy tale artworks... for the most part. I hope you like them a lot. 

Anyhow, the first illustration shows Sleeping Beauty. All around her we see flowers growing. She has been asleep for a pretty long time. The organic looking flowers were made art nouveau. 

This illustration is a fantasy version of the Adam and Eve story. Here Eve is getting the red apple. In the background, the devil in the form of a dragon is watching over her. Her dress is extremely elaborated. The entire nature is painted art nouvueau style. As for her hair, it was painted in the fashion of Botticelli. 

Above, we see a lovely illustration for the Dallas Opera. This one features Das Rheingold. It is one of Wagner's infamous Operas. Anyhow, the illustration shows the moment when the dwarf met the daughters of Rhine. They all look very beautiful. It is a pity that the dwarf abandon his girl for some gold.

This illustration is for another one of Wagner's plays. In the background, we see the Valkyrie. She is about to take the dead soldier in the foreground to Valhalla. His lover girl is hugging him. The scenery is really pretty. Behind the Valkyrie we see the rainbow bridge to Valhalla. More of her peers are flying about.

In this illustration, we see Cinderella arriving to the ball. Her golden dress is really pretty. Behind her, we see her rats and the magical pumpkin carriage. It is cute how she is looking at her glass shoe.

In the original Sleeping Beauty tale, the girl was given a rose to mark out her timeline. When the stem is completely consumed, then the fairy's curse will come to fruition. In this illustration, the oblivious sleeping beauty is giving her rose to her father. He is stroking her hair. He sees the length of the rose's stem and knows that her time is almost out.

Above, we see the Sleeping Beauty dreaming. Over her, we see faeries showering her with gifts. In the foreground, we see a tiny dogie and another fairy playing the harp. 

In this illustration, we see the ice witch from Narnia. I think I half remember it from an old as sin animated movie of the book. If I remember correctly, the witch had kidnapped that boy. In any case, the imagery is very beautiful.

This illustration was featured in the Spectrum magazine. It shows a magician working old nature magic. Animals are gathering around him. His magic is not only affecting nature, but the universe as well.

This illustration shows Sleeping Beauty with the string and needles. She is about to prick her finger. In the background, we see the curse about to come to fruition. The girl does look really pretty.

This is the other half of the old magic Illustration. It shows the magician's daughter. She is working her own magic. I find very cool the master of the universe in the background. The mask she wears is also very pretty.

In this illustration, we see a lovely crossover. The frog prince ran into the Sleeping Beauty dreaming in the forest. He is admiring the lady. Her rose dress is very pretty.

In this illustration, we see a maiden playing the flute. She is walking on the water. This illustration is called Eclipse. The moon does seem to be eclipsed by the mysterious girl playing music.

This is a pretty odd disguise. A monster disguise as a human. The moral lesson of this illustration is that you should not take candy from strangers.

In this illustration,  we see a guy taking photographs of this wonderful city. The scenery truly is amassing. What I like best is the force field in the sky. It has some lovely patterns here and there.

This illustration shows Jason beating up the chimera. He is using the Medusa shield to deflect the lightning of the Chimera. His Pegasus came out looking pretty cool.

Here is a pretty cute illustration. In the foreground, we see a cute red headed maiden. The odd clouds in the background are pretty cute.

This post shows the prince and the princess together. The maiden's yellow dress came out extremely pretty. The German shepherd makes for a lovely detail.

In this painting, Cinderella has just arrived to the ball. Everyone is wondering who is that pretty maiden. Her pink dress is the prettiest one in the scene.

In this illustration, we see some maidens in a garden. There is a lovely Venus fountain in the background. The birds are also very cute. 

In this illustration, we see Diana with a bow. She has a feather of the phoenix flying about. The white flowers came out really cute. Hidden among the flowers we see a sleeping guy. 

In this last illustration, we see three lovely daughters of Rhyme. They are beckoning the dwarf to go dance with them. I hope that you liked these featured fantasy illustrations by Craft. 

In this illustration, the forgotten fairy is cursing Sleeping Beauty. Her family is sobbing over her. They all look very miserable. What I like best is the flowery pattern on the carpet. 

In this illustration, we see Medusa. Her hair is made of lovely decorative snakes. It is a bummer how she is trying to braid her hair. She is trying to make the best of her new hair. Her eyes are also very freaky.

This last featured Illustration shows the prince arriving at Sleeping Beauty's castle. He is seeing everyone asleep among the flowers. He looks quite mystified by the entire scenery.  I hope that you liked these featured illustrations by Kinuko Y. Craft a lot.

This first illustration shows a maiden running away. She seems to be merging into the ground. It is a bummer how her dress is made of a phoenix. Behind her we see a knight and a cheetah about to jump her. The ground shows a few dead bodies here and there.

This illustration is pretty odd. Here we see a maiden with birds. The scenery is pretty cute. The small version is very mysterious. This work is about this random house. It is a fairy tale of sorts.

This is a pretty original illustration. It shows you the realm of the night. The central figure is an angel girl. She has a lovely five pointed star staff. The multiple moons in the sky do look very lovely.

This illustration shows a maiden magic some magic. The stone she is brewing is throwing some fumes. In essence, those fumes are the scent of magic. The indoor botanic garden looks very pretty.

In this illustration, a maiden is giving inspiration to Thomas the Rhymer. Needless to say, he will have a lot to write about after this first meeting. The maiden herself has the loveliest blonde hair I have ever seen. She is a real cutie of sorts.

Here we see a lovely illustration. A maiden is trying to escape. She looks cute with the rose and the pendant. The scenery too works pretty well. She seems to be emitting light. 

In this cute illustration, we see a cute prince and his princess. Their attires are really pretty. Her blonde hair is decorated with pretty white flowers. The odd dark scenery works pretty well.  

This is quite the elaborate illustration. Here the entire Wildwood is dancing. All the figures lead up to the maiden in the foreground. The butterflies and the fishes are really pretty.

In this last illustration, we see a wolf mother. She is leading her pack of wolves. It is cool how her hand is partially transformed. Her dress has a lovely Greek design.

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