Little Black Moth on a Mango Flower

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Little Black Moth on a Mango Flower

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Today I heard of the best and the worse natures of people. I truly did wish to maintain a good disposition, but alas, it is no longer possible. Just try to bear with it, or just look at the photos and enjoy shopping for art supplies. For many weeks, I have been staying indoor.

As I said before, my mother was accursed to go out into the real world. While working, a client douche came up to her and sneezed on top of her. He deliberately came to her, and as if it was a joke he sneezed on her. This is why I always take seriously the petit malice. What is the petit malice?

Well, just think of all the random little evil things that you do to people, or that have ever been done to you. These evils are never punished by the laws, and many are not even considered a sin. The plague will continue to spread until people stop being randomly evil to one another.

A sneeze this day is no different than holding a loaded weapon. The only difference is that you do not know if the weapon has blanks or real bullets. Every person who purposely sneezes on their brother is a murderer, and he will answer before God, or the Devil for it.

artsy sister, mango tree,flowering tree

It is foolish to pretend that there isn’t a problem. Humans are killing each other, and they don’t even realize it or care. They don’t feel that what they are doing is wrong, and many even joke about it. On the opposing end, brother person received a bit of kindness from the world.

He went out to buy supplies, and he got inside the Publix because he had the decency to dress up in a makeshift hazmat suit. Certainly he looked ridiculous, but it showed that he cared enough about his fellow man to take precautions. Those who do not bother to even try a little are plague carriers.

Their bodies carry a loaded weapon that randomly fires at any random person they come across. They are serial killers, and they don’t even realize it or even bother to care. And in the end, it is the innocent who suffer. Why the innocent? Well, historically speaking evil tends to be hard to kill, and the good is the first thing to go the way of the Dodo.

As before, these ramblings are just for my own amusement, and because the website needs a blog. I don’t expect you to read it, or even to take it seriously. I long since gave up on the idea of being taken seriously. My only desire in life is to live it. It is for this reason that I am working hard on this little store of mine. I hope to one day create myself a money shield.

artsy sister,red robbin,gardening

I can’t bring myself to even try to trust new people or faces. When you have been abandoned by most of your family members, you start wandering what evil strangers have in store for you. Keep this in mind, if you are ever misfortune enough to see me in the real world.

Even after all this blows over, I doubt we will ever even become acquaintances or even friends. I gave up on that and many other things over the course of my many years of disappointment, and indeed, everyone I ever met at one point or another has been a huge source of disappointment.

I think this is enough of my nonsense. I have a stupid, pointless idea for dealing with global warming. The ecologists, who hate and are envious of rich people always tackle big companies. They say the individual has no power to make a difference. I know  of their ramblings because they made me read a bunch of junk at University to get my degree.

The way I see it, this is not true. Thru recursion a huge problem can be solved. I think it would help if every household planted one tree in their lot. It every household did that, all over the world, it would be a huge difference. It will even help a lot more if the tree produces lots of flowers, which would feed the little bees and butterflies.

Mango trees are a good option. I like mangos. There should be more mangos out there in the world. The featured photo showcases a moth feeding on the nectar of a mango flower. Isn’t the little plant quite adorable? To each their own, I suppose.

One cannot expect any type of change, when a type of behavior becomes a compulsion. Everyone is a little bit crazy, after all. The plague may come and go, but do try to make an effort to keep a hold of your nerves. Madness is a chronic illness, after all. For now, good night!

artsy sister,roses,gardening

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