Making Space and Other Nonsense
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This has been quite the interesting weekend. Without giving it much thought, my brother decided to get us a pool. It is an above ground pool, but a pool nonetheless. It was worth about a grand. It is nothing too far out there. It is at least something we can afford.
As of now, brother took the measurements. He saw how much room there was available. He used a tape and a shovel to measure. We have been thinking of adding some sand in preparation for the pool. It is a bit easier than cutting up all the grass.
At least, it will be an easier step. The pool can just fit in there. We need to trim a couple of trees to make some space. We also need to push back the ferns. As for my tiny beans, I decided to move them to the ground. We also moved the mango seed to its own bucket.
It is just going to be growing there on its own. We will put it on the ground, once it is big enough to fend for itself. Some of my other plants seem to be showing a bit of growth. The weather has just been ripe for them to show significant progress. We also need to get the hoodie for the pool.
The entire thing is going to be delivered in about a month. It is easy enough for chumps like you and me to install it. This is at least what the company who makes it told us. I think this is about it as far as my nonsense goes.
I hope to keep you up to date in all my activities. Why do I do so? Well, in order to have something original to write about. I suppose this works as a type of diary or something. For the time being, I hope you like my new floral photography.