Marilyn Monroe Skirt Hollow Knight Emilitia Parody

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Marilyn Monroe Skirt Hollow Knight Emilitia Parody

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I did a new Hollow Knight Marilyn Monroe Parody. In this one, I am making fun of the famous Marylin Monroe photo where her skit is lifted up by a gust of wind.

The wind is coming up from the sewer. So, I guess the Ninja Turtles where down there with a fan, waiting for the woman to stand on top of them.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, marilyn monroe parody

In my version, I am using Emilitia as a stand in for Marylin Monroe. This isn’t the first time I have drawn Emilitia as Marilyn.

I feel that of all the Hollow Knight characters, she would be the bug version of Marilyn Monroe. Both where high-class ladies that were threated poorly by society.

Both had a romance with men with power. It is implied that Emilitia personally knew the King of Hollownest, while Marilyn Monroe dated President Kennedy.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, marilyn monroe parody

It is not too noticeable, but in the background of the Marilyn photo you can see two guys. One is a paparazzi guy with a camera.

The other is just some dude. I made Zote the paparazzi with the camera. The random onlooker is the Chibi Knight, or Ghost.

artsy sister, hollow knight lineart, hollow knight parody

He is always looking at everything with an indifferent, blank stare. In any case, I hope you like my new Hollow Knight drawing.

I was getting bored of doing painting parodies. So, this was a nice change of pace.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, lineart

If you want to see how this drawing was made, I made a little Youtube video. This time we tried to do more snapshots.

We did a little bit of both.

artsy sister, hollow knight parody, marilyn monroe parody

It was a bit of a pain to edit it in Final Cut, but I hope you can appreciate the extra effort that went into the new Hollow Knight video drawing.

My name is Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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