Mein BJD Doll Photos

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Mein BJD Doll Photos

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A couple of weeks ago, I took some photos of my tallest doll, Elvira. I was going to take photos of the second doll. In the end, I opted to try for the third doll. Mein is different in nature to Elvira.

bjd doll,kimono,doll

Her body runs on strings. This technically makes her a true BJD Doll. Then again, there is some debate as to what is considered a true ball jointed doll or not. I think it is just splitting hairs.

artsy sister,bjd doll,cute kimono

The long and short of it is that I took some photos of my doll Mein. The doll is still wearing her original dress. She was made by Shugo Fairy. The doll came with a little certificate and everything.

artsy sister,bjd doll,cute

It was real cute. I have been meaning to get some new doll dresses for Mein. With everything happening, I have not gotten a change to get her a proper dress. I have tried making one, but our combined efforts was nothing too far out there.

artsy sister,kimono,bjd doll

Still, it is worth trying from time to time. I suppose I have a lot of skills as it is. I don’t have much patience for learning a new skill. I only bother trying something new that falls within my established parameters.

artsy sister,bjd doll,cute doll

My main two skills are drawing and writing. Drawing combines well with painting. As far as writing, I can try any different type of genres. I have been thinking of getting back to writing poems a bit.

artsy sister,bjd doll,cute

I want to write a fun gibberish poetry books. I want to add drawings to the poetry book as well. This is all plans in the future. I am always trying out different nonsense around the edges.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

I am also going to start a new type of book. It is going to be a journal of the events of 2020. I am going to be using the blogs of the website as well.

artsy sister,bjd doll,blonde

Hopefully, I will be able to make sense of everything and retain some semblance of sanity. As things stand, madness runs in the family. My great, great, grandma had 25 kids.

artsy sister,bjd doll,kimono

About half of them were a little nuts. From my father’s family, his mother had a couple of loose screws. I don’t like those odds.

artsy sister,bjd doll,cute doll

I am always keeping track of my overall humor, let’s I loose myself. I am a firm believer that mastering oneself is the most important thing.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

There are those who are slaves to their own desires. They do things because they cannot help it. Over the years, I have gotten a decent control over my emotions.

artsy sister,bjd doll,yellow kimono

When I can’t make myself happy, I try to focus on something. I think I ranted about focus last blog ago. IT is something that unhappy people should try from time to time.

artsy sister,bjd doll,blonde

I think I want to get back to the photographs. The photos were taken with my Fujifilm camera. I tried doing a little bit something different with Mein.

artsy sister,bjd doll,cute toy

I try not to repeat poses for the most part. I did a couple of complicated poses and closeups. Around the end, I tried a couple of ballet poses.

artsy sister,bjd doll, toys

This was when I noticed the problems with this doll. All her poses are a little bit too severe.

artsy sister,bjd doll, toys

The stringy nature of her limbs helps her maintain the pose, but it also makes them somewhat rigid.

artsy sister, bjd doll, toys

This was more the pity. I suppose there are some things that cannot be helped. In the future, I plan on taking photos of the second doll.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

I just need to think things through a bit.

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Everything requires planning, and the desire to get things done around the edges. I think this is enough about this silly doll.

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It is important to have good things to hope for in the future.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

Frankly, I think things are going to get worse, before they get better. I read something interesting online about the age of organs. Take this story of example.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

It was a young maiden who had received a liver from an old woman. Her transplant is now officially 100 years old. Organs age at a different rate, depending on the diet of the individual.

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As the saying goes, it is what is on the inside that counts. This change in deterioration rates is also noted on teeth.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

Anyhow, this nonsense got me to understand how Corona works a little better.

artsy sister,bjd doll,blonde

It is not based on age. It is based on getting rid of those with weak immune system, and with low means. Recently, it made a number on the villages on the Amazon.

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It is sad what is happening to the indigenous people. As thing stands, this plague affects mainly poor, weak people.

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Those  with means are all safe inside their little castle. The rest of the plebeians are at the mercy of young douche plague bearers. At this rate, it will only end with either a vaccine or with herd immunity.

artsy sister,bjd doll,cute toy

Based on what I am seeing, it is going to be the herd thing, which sucks considering what happens whenever a cow gets mad cow disease.

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Herd immunity never works in such situations.

artsy sister,bjd doll, toys

Meh, I am just giving my basic observation on this plague. I am not the first person with no medical experience to have an opinion on medical matters.

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As things stand, most of the people making the big decisions barely passed biology. If it was up to me, I would require all people desiring to be politicians to take an exam.

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The exam would require a wide range of knowledge and skills, including basic germ theory and economics. It will no longer be a popularity contest.

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Back during the old Chinese days, the emperor would require government officials to pass an exam in order to have permission to manage a village.

artsy sister,bjd doll, cute

IF all US politicians had to pass an exam to be allowed to be postulated, we could wiggle out all the idiots. Never were citizens more unfortunate than to be ruled by an opportunistic fool.

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Still, this is not to say that smart people are saints. Hitler was pretty smart, with his art degree. Anyhow, the exams should also test a politician’s ethics, and overall state of mind.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

We can’t be having sociopaths ruling over normal folks. I always imagine that the average person is like that poor family in the Castlevania Netflix show.

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That family was just trying to have a peaceful dinner, but then their house burned because of a megalomania cultist. The entire gist of this rant is that Netflix always messes up whatever franchise they put their hands on.

At one point or another, they ruin it. It is all because they must push a political agenda or other. I miss the days when a show’s only purpose was to be entertaining.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

These days everything has to have a point. Everyone and everything is trying to turn you to their own point of view. I am not interested in shifting you.

I just want you to, like me, gain some degree of control over your thoughts. I think this is about it as far as my nonsense is concerned.

artsy sister,bjd doll,blonde

I hope you find this little blog of mine amusing. Update: Well, in spite of all our best efforts mother got Covid.

This means I am annoyed at a lot of people of Miami, including those from mother’s work and her patients as well. They are all officially in my naughty list, and lets just keep it at that.

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

Brother person and I are not going to get checked, because we don’t head out of the house, ever. We are just going to work under the assumption that we are sick as all.

I did have the headaches, the dry coughs and the runny nose. I think I might be sick, or psychosomatic. In general, I am just feeling what I am feeling right now. Update 2: Mother misread the text, so, we still don't known if she is sick or not. We might just be over reacting. 

artsy sister,bjd doll,toys

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