Miami Beach on a Nice Day

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Miami Beach on a Nice Day

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Well, I think I finished going on about the past or whatever. It might be a while before I go on about it. Then again, I am still drawing a blank with most things. So, where was I. I had just gotten to middle school. It was the same one my bro was going. I think it was called Richmond Heights. There used to be a shooting every other day, but it settled down quite a bit when I got there. Since it was an F school, nobody gave to bits about it. Shootings have been happening in school for years. Nobody cared till it happened to rich, white people or whatever. Then again, this was like the 90s. Nobody cared about anything or anyone.

They were all caught in the good feel kind of vibe of the Clinton administration. Things were also feel good, when Bush came to power. I don’t know why, everything felt like awesome at the start of the century. Mother had plenty of disposable income, cause of the low rent. We used to go to the theater every week, and we had our first playstation.

Sure, I did get bully a bit in Middle School, but after mom threw her fit it was all ended. The thing that changed the mood of everything was 9/11. I remember I was in my French class, and we did not have  a TV. Suddenly kids were being picked up by their parents. I sat there waiting for my mom to come get me. I did not care what was going on. I just wanted to get out. Eventually, my mom picked me up from school and she told me what had happened. As with most things, I did not process it. It was only later that I realized what that incident did to people. From then on, everyone became sour and paranoid. Slowly, everything became worse and worse. People have not realized just how much 9/11 affected them. It is certainly more obvious if  do a before and after, with society.

Well, this is just about the general social stuff or whatever. For a while, I did a bit of choir in school. I only went there because I did not want to do woodshop. I never went to the competitions because I did not trust the fellow. I also thought it was a bit expensive to pay 50 bucks to go places I did not want to. Overtime, I stopped going on those silly trips. I just wanted to use my legal tender to buy Pokemon and Yugioh cards. I always bought 1 card whenever I went to Publix. My mom worked there for a while. It was closed to our house, so that was dandy.  

I concluded middle school after we moved. Brother got into some problems with his one of his teachers. She was convinced he was special kid, even though in 8th grade he got the President’s Honor Roll. While she was in that school, she was going to make certain he did not make it to the next grade. So, my mom being my mom did the sensible thing. Since we did not have a lawyer to get any justice, my mom moved to Hialeah. There was a larger population of Hispanic people, so things were a little less douchy. They say that it is important to integrate schools or whatever. However, when one culture group is dominant it will always gang up on the little guy. I never knew a place where you were accepted for being different or whatever.

There is a reason why this country is a Republic and not an actual democracy. It keeps the tyranny of the majority under check. If the majority had its way, we end up like Nazi Germany. Another thing I wanted to mention, was the ESOL classes in both my middle schools. It worked great when the teacher did not know a lick of Spanish. When I did get a Spanish teacher, teaching the English classes she did not do her job.  We spent most of our sewing, and doing a lot of non-English related projects. The only reason I made any actual process is because I practiced English with my brother. You don’t learn a language by not speaking it. I guess it is part of the secret plan of the American enemies to keep the Spanish speakers ignorant. If they never learn English, they won’t be able to fulfill their true potential. It is always important that when in Rome, you do as the Romans do. So, this is just about everything serious I remember about my middle school.

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