Miami Beach Scenery

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Miami Beach Scenery

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Miami Beach is beautiful and serene, if you believe those posters and magazines about the place. Anyhow, I spent like two hours waiting for those planes to finish their commercials. In the end, I gave up and took this photo. It is beautiful if you just ignore that poster over there. It wasn't my intention to photograph it. I wanted to take a photo featuring mostly the sky. Most photos tend to be a bit grounded. 

However, by focusing more on the sky, and keeping the ground level it came out interesting. I kept the photo straight using my knee as a tripod. People these days are in love with handholding the camera. All the pictures come out shaky and messy. It is not as if a tripod is that expensive. Mine came with the set. If you are going to buy a camera, get one that at least comes with a tripod. I have been able to use my good camera for a while. 

These days the weather in Florida is rather rainy. I think we might get a tropical depression soon. A side effect of the weather is that the lens get all foggy. They still have not made camera lens that do not fog up. The only good thing about the rain is that the plants in the garden are happy. My rose bush seems to be quite eager. She is probably going to sprout two new roses soon. They don't last long, but when they are born they come out looking real pretty. 

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