Mother’s Day Gift Idea Jewelry Ink Art

alcohol ink, painting -

Mother’s Day Gift Idea Jewelry Ink Art

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I did new ink art. The theme was mother’s day. It is just around the corner. I decided to make each art a mother’s day gift idea. These gift ideas are based on items that my own mother likes.

She often gravitates towards the bling bling. She likes jewelry a lot, but she rarely gets the chance to buy it.

So, if you want your mother to look pretty, give her something that sparkles. It could be a heart shaped necklace with stones that represents how many brats she has.

I had a grandmother that have more than 10 kids. So, her necklace had a lot of stones. She is dead. Like most of the people I left back in the old country. I suppose there is no point in bemoaning what you left behind.

Anyhow, that is not important. If you want to see how this artwork was made, you can visit my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok. Please like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless

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