Movie Reviews: Chronicle, Paranormal Activity, Chaplin, Frozen Ground

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Movie Reviews: Chronicle, Paranormal Activity, Chaplin, Frozen Ground

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Rare Birds Funny Canadian Comedy Movie 5 Stars Worthy Reviewed by Teresita Blanco

The movie is about Hurt, who owns a restaurant. There he makes fancy food and the like. His only problem is that he does not get enough costumers. In the last year, things became a lot worsts. When he is not working, he spends his time with his neighbor Phonse. He has no idea how Phonse makes his money.

He is an inventor of sorts. He seems to think that the government is out to get him. One day, he shows him his goodies. He had a weird light that he had stolen. He also had a home made submarine. He planned to give tourist rides underwater. He took Hurt for a horrible ride. Anyhow, while working with the submarine, they both realized that they needed actual tourist to get their business up.

Phonse devised an ingenious plan to get tourist. He was going to report the sitting of a rare bird. Later, this would attract the bird watching tourist community. From them on, the movie gets even more hilarious. This adorable movie deserves 5 stars rating.

Chronicle Movie 2012 Cool 5 stars Worthy Reviewing Teresita Blanco

The Chronicle movie is seen from the eyes of a camera. One of the main characters, Andrew, likes to play around with a camera. His cousin worries that Andrew's camera is making him a recluse. Anyhow, one day Andrew and his cousin go to a party. They hang out with their friends and all. They suddenly wonder off to the woods.

In the woods, Andrew, his cousin Matt and their friend Steve find a hole. When they went down, they discovered a strange pulsating something. When they touched it, the thing underground began  to glow. The camera died while the teens ran in a panic. Some time passes, and the friends come together again.

They discovered that the things had giving them telekinetic powers. They tried to return to the cave, however, a landslide had covered it up. Now, they had to deal with their new found powers. The movie takes a dark twisted turn around the end. The fact that the movie is seen via the teen's camera gives it an air of realism. It follows the same concept as paranormal horror movies. In any case, Chronicle movie deserves 5 stars rating. Its a great super power kinda movie, but without the whole stupid super hero costume thing.

Shaun of the Dead British Horror Zombie Comedy 5 stars worthy Film Reviewed by Teresita Blanco

A few weeks ago, I watch Shaun of the Dead. The movie is a British parody of the American zombie movies. I saw it a few minutes after the movie began. By the time I started watching it, the zombies where already rampaging. Shaun had gone to find his girlfriend Liz at her school. Like the rest of the teachers, she was hiding from the zombies.

Anyhow, Shaun fought his way through waves of zombies. I found it adorable that his main weapon of choice was a paddle. You know, the thing you use to spank bad student's behinds. After he helped his girlfriend and some of he colleagues, he made his way back home. He had to help out his mother and his stepfather.

Once, he made it back home, he had the brilliant idea of taking them to his favorite pub. He imagined that there they would be safe from the zombies. As it happened with most zombie movies, on the way they kept killing off the characters one by one. At the end, they had to deal with an army of zombies.

I found it hilarious the source of the music. From time to time the radio or a music machine would turn on. What they did with the zombies at the end was pretty messed up. If you are into zombie movies, then this is the film for you. Truly, Shaun of the Dead is a 5 stars worthy Horror comedy.

Paranormal Activity 5 Stars Worthy Horror Movie  Reviewed by Teresita Blanco

About a month ago, I watched Paranormal Activity with my family. I had been meaning to watch the movie. It was an interesting concept and it spawned a bunch of other documentary like horror films. Like we all know, the movie is about a cute couple. The lover boy, Micah, decided to get a camera to videotape paranormal activities in his new home. The entire movie is seen through his lenses. 

The girlfriend Katie used to experience paranormal events when she was a child. The things she described where pretty typical. Like her, in my old haunted mansion, I used to get the odd creepy shadow sitting at the edge of the bed. I even had the whole light bolts blowing up at random times experience. Anyhow, Katie seemed to think an evil spirit was after her. There is a biblical story about that.

A demon had fallen in love with a girl. He used to kill all her husbands at her wedding night. Her last husband had to do some odd fish exorcism. Anyhow, that seems to be Katie's problem. The paranormal activities keep getting worst because Micah keeps pestering the demon or evil spirit. As the saying goes, you keep knocking on the devil's door and eventually he is going to answer. Very early on, Katie starts showing signs of being possessed.

Based on what I know of the supernatural, I think Katie herself was the demon. At times, demons turn gargoyles and try to live a christian life. When they do so, they separate their demonic nature from their physical bodies. If you stimulate their true nature enough, they will revert to their true form. This explains the bizarre bloody ending, typical of horror movies.

Speaking of the ending, the Paranormal Activity movie has like 5 different endings. In any case, the original Paranormal Activity deserves 5 stars rating.  You know what is truly awesome about this movie: The movie was made with only $15,000, and it made 190 million bucks. Now that's a return in investment. This goes to show you that all you need is a good idea.


Chaplin Cool Autobiographic Movie Review by Teresita Blanco

A few weeks ago, I watched the Chaplin movie. Like the name demonstrates, the movie was about the life of Charlie Chaplin. He was one of the best movie actors of his time. The movie is based on his autobiographical work. Like many artists, Chaplin came from a poor family. He first acted as replacement for his mother.

The scene went as thus. One day, his mother was singing. The audience started to boo her. This caused her to sing even worst. To keep the place from going to hell, Chaplin volunteered to sing his mother's song. Though it came out cute, the mother stopped singing after that incident. Things went down hill for Young Chaplin young since that incident.

Chaplin picked up the acting habit from watching his mother. It was a bummer a real bummer when Chaplin got sent to the Orphanage. Like we all know, orphanages were and still are a real pain. Can you imagine how they were 100 years ago? Anyhow, suffering the life of the poor helped Chaplin develop his edge. His most renown character was  the Tramp, a poor vagabond.

The film was a pretty good dramatization of the book written by Chaplin himself. It gave you a good perspective of how hard life was during those days. The movie was kind nostalgic in a way. I remember that they used to put Chaplin's movies when I was a little kid. For this reason, I think this movie is 5 stars worthy. Plus, it had a great cast of actors whose names allude me.

Taxi Driver Strange Suspense Movie Review

A few nights ago, I watched a seriously old movie called Taxi Driver. The movie is from the 1970s or something. It showcases Robert De Niro and Jodie Foster back when they were young and cute. The movie takes place in New York. Even back then, the city was pretty depressing and lonely. The movie is about the loneliness of the city.

The Taxi Driver, played by young De Niro, meets a lot of people in the city. However, he never makes a personal connection with them. This Taxi Driver in particular has been driven insane by loneliness, which follows him like a plague. Day by day, the city seems to sicken him a little more.  The only thing which helped him retain some of his humanity was his crush on a blondy.

The Taxi Driver loves a blonde lady who works for a Presidential candidate of the day. He likes her because he thinks she is different from other people in the city. The overall theme of the movie is how loneliness eats away at a person’s character. At a certain point, that person goes insane. Now, as for Jodie Foster she acts a young prostitute whom the taxi driver meets one day.

He felt sorry for because she is too young for that horrible she lives in the city. I was surprised at how young and pretty Jodie used to be. I almost did not recognize her. I recognized De Niro because of the mole on his face. It was a lot smaller 30 something years ago. Hahaha! In any case, the Taxi Driver movie deserves 5 stars rating. All the actors were sublime.

Frozen Ground Crime Movie Review

Frozen Ground is a crime movie based on true events. Like any true event kind of movie, things do not go smoothly from beginning to end. The movie starts with a cop rescuing a girl who was handcuffed. When they bring her to the station, the cops find out the girl was a prostitute. They chose not to believe her because of her profession.

It turns out she escaped from a serial killer. She is the only witness to his method and his identity. It took the insistence of the cop who saved her to get her case pushed up the bureau. The rest of the movie focuses on the cops trying to gather enough evidence to get a warrant against the serial killer.  In any case, this movie deserves 5 stars rating.

Mr. Nobody Bizarre Romantic Movie Review

Mr. Nobody is a movie a very strange movie of sorts. The film starts in the future of sorts. The main character does not even remember his name. Based on the movie, Mr. Nobody is the last mortal man. He has lived to the ripe old age of 100 and something. Now they are televising his final moments for pageview purposes.

For that reason, he calls himself Mr. Nobody. His doctor decides to try to hypnotize him in order to trigger his memory. The first thing he remembers was his name, Nemo. The scene changes to the time before he was born, and how he chose his parents from the other world.

Nemo claims to remember the past, present and the future. He knows all this because the angel of memory forgot to erase his memory before sending him to earth. It’s funny how the angel of memory forgot something. Based on this knowledge Nemo overanalyzes all the possibilities in his life.

The romance part comes in the form of three little girls, who become his future romantic interest. The way the movie works is as strange as memory. The visual elements of the movie work pretty well. It sorta makes you question all the stupid decisions you made in your life. In any case, this movie deserves 5 stars rating.

Donnie Darko Psychotic Movie Review

A few weeks ago I watched Donnie Darko. The movie is about a teenager with Psychological problems. He is currently taking pills to deal with the problem. We find out about this later. The movie begins with Donnie waking up in his pajamas in the middle of the road.

He returns home on his bike. Apparently, he sleeps walks from time to time. One day, he starts having a new hallucination of sorts. He starts seeing a heavy metal bunny, named Frank. Indeed the bunny seemed the work of a madman.  Well, more of a bunny it was a guy dressed up like a bunny.

Anyhow… this movie is about how the mind degrades. It also critiques the puritan family values. In Donnie’s school, they followed the belief of a puritan guy who turned out to like taking photos of little girls. It was hilarious how he was found out. Overall, the movie was the work of a madman. Truly, Donnie Darko deserves 5 stars rating. The ending was a bit depressing.

Pain and Gain Crime Movie Review

Pain and Gain is one of those crime movies based on true events. Nothing beats reality, when it comes to evil deeds. Anyhow, the movie was about a bodybuilder criminal. He had just gotten out of jail for armed robbery. He claimed to have learned his lesson, but was denied an early release.

The whole Pain and Gain thing refers to the body builder’s mantra while he exercises. He must endure great pains in order to gain great strength. We all know building muscles, or exercising in general, is very painful. People do it for the benefits, not out of love for feeling pain. Though some masochist, do love feeling pain.

The movie takes place in the 90s or late 80s. I forget. I do remember it took place in Florida. A lot of strange and bizarre crimes have occurred in Florida.

When he got out of jail, he applied for the job he knew best, bodybuilding. He followed the rulebook for a couple of years. It was cute how he told the manager of his crime in a nonchalant fashion.  He promised his boss to increase his profit and he stayed true to his promise.

I found it hilarious how he did manage this. He gave free gym membership to strippers. This increased the paid membership of male gym goers tenfold, since they wanted to see the pretty ladies swimming in the pool.

As it usually happens, the bodybuilder got hungry for more. Since he wanted more money, he came up with several hair brain schemes to steal money. He got two more body builder friends involved. The logic behind his plans was that since they were body builders they could pull heists faster and better than any wimpy criminals.

Part of the reason he returned to crime was because of a Chinese guy’s motivational speech. Needless to say, China man motivated the body builder into doing what he did best.

The movie chronicles from their first, bizarre success to how they were finally caught. Needless to say, the movie is pretty long, about 2 hours long to be exact. When the scenes became too weird, I found hilarious when the movie reminded you this was based on true events. Truly, Pain and Gain is a 5 stars worthy, hilarious crime movie based on true bizarre events.

The house at the end of the street

This movie is one of those scary teenager movies. The movie starts in the middle of a lightning storm. Most scary movie feature bad weather. Anyhow, the parents wake up in the middle of the night because their little girl was sleepwalking. More like the got out of her room to be creepy.

The creepy blond girl ended up stabbing her parents to death. The movie starts some years later. A girl and her mother move near the murder house. No one has wanted to move near the murder house. For that reason, this family of two got the house at a cheaper price.

The issue in the movie is that no one found the killer. The townspeople think she still haunts the woods. Some even go as far claiming to have half seen her. The main character too thinks she did see something in the woods. Overall, the movie is a pretty interesting scary movie. It warns women against the danger of trying to fix a bird with a broken wind.

Love Ranch

Love Ranch is a strange movie based on true events. The name is derived from a legal brothel in Nevada.  The main character is Grace, she manages the prostitutes. Her husband is Charlie. They had been together as husband and wife for many years, running the business.

Things change when Grace finds out she has cancer. That diagnostic made her rethink all the decisions she had ever made in her life. She also began to realize that her husband did not care about her. Each time she would try to tell him about her problem, he would hassle her with his own problems.

His latest problem was a felony charge. He wanted to be the manager of a boxer, but he could not because of the felony. His solution was to make his wife manager. So now, on top of cancer, Grace has to deal with a muscle head. Yep, marriage life is not easy.

White Lightning

White Lightning is one of those independent movies. The movie is made in black and white colors to make the movie look more realistic. It also adds a strange air of surrealism to the movie. Anyhow, the main character is a boy who lived in the 40s or 30s, Deep South.

The kid has a lot of problems. He keeps doing drugs and getting into fights. He spent a good portion of his life in Juvie. This movie shows the dark nature of jail for kids. It almost seemed like slave labor. This movie also showed many other evil things here and there. Life was hard back then, and there were a lot of temptations for little kid.

The side stories too were pretty messed up. To help his troubled son, the father of the main kid gave him dancing shoes. He wanted his kid to use his free time in a more constructive fashion. The dancing worked. Now the only time when the child is not doing the devil’s work is when he dances.

The movie is not half bad for being an independent film. I recommend it for those who like to watch movies about crazy people.

The Family Movie Review

A few months ago, I watched The Family movie. The movie starred Robert De Niro. He played a gangster on witness protection. He has recently moved his family, again. The movie is narrated by Giovanni, played by de Niro.

While talking with the neighbors, he claims to be a novelist. In the end, he decides to become a novel writer. He had nothing better to do. His children too are having a hard time adapting.  And the wife wants to return to church and confess EVERYTHING to the priest.

As the story progresses, the family starts falling back into their mob habits. On top of everything, the Feds are always watching them. Overall, it is a pretty cool family comedy, in a mobster sort of way.

Nosferatu Classical Movie Review

Last night, I had nothing better to watch. For that reason, I watched the Nosferatu movie from 1920 something.  The movie was originally going to be Dracula. However, the family of the writer did not feel like having a movie about Dracula. As was the habit of young Hollywood, the director renamed the movie and went on ahead with the project.

For being an old as sin movie, it was not half bad. It had decent classical music to set the tone. Needless to say, this was a silent film. From time to time, they showed the speech of the characters. The day was illustrated with a mutant golden color. The night was colored in blue.

The reason for this distinction had to do with the cameras. Without any light, the camera could not film at night. The movie followed the book to the letter. The only thing that was different was the ending. Also, there was no Van Hellsing or crusade to kill the vampire.

Apparently, the director thought the second half of Dracula was ridiculous. Even I had to admit, the book was a bit iffy when Dracula was out in the open. Overall, the alternative ending to the book made a little bit more sense. As for the actors, they were… hilarious, especially Count Orlok. I recommend the movie to anyone who has nothing better to do.

Odd Thomas Teen Movie Review

Odd Thomas was not a half bad teen movie. The movie features a guy named Odd. According to his mom, his name was meant to be Todd. A typo in the hospital made his name Todd. His father claims that his name was Odd. Anyhow, Odd sees dead people.

Like the kid from the 6th sense, he sees dead people. He tries to help them out. He is kinda like the 6th sense kid but all grown up. He works alongside with the police to catch criminals.  He is also the lover of the police chief’s daughter. So, they are pretty tight. Both are one of the few people who know about Odd’s powers.

He is not too public about it because his mother was the same. She is currently in the nuthouse. Anyhow, one day he sees some odd spirits. They only appear when a bloodbath is about to occur. Anyhow, the main movie is trying to figure out who is going to cause the bloodbath.  

Awakenings Movie Review

The stars of this movie are Robin Williams and Robert De Niro. Again, Robin Williams plays a doctor. Since he had a beard, you could tell he was going to play a depressing, sensitive character. He plays a researcher named Oliver Sacks. The movie is based on the memoirs of this doctor.

The movie starts pretty depressing. A boy is trying to write his name on a chair, with a knife. Suddenly, his hand starts trembling. In another scene, he is at school trying to write an essay. At a certain point, he loses his ability to write all together. His friends try to visit him at home, but the poor child is only worsening.

The film then switches to Dr. Sacks applying for work. He used to research plants for medicine. The hospital allowed him to enter, even though he had never treated humans. They figured he would be good at the job since he would be treating humans who were vegetables.

He meets there the kind from the beginning. The poor child, played by Robert de Niro, had been a vegetable for more than 30 years. Dr. Sacks then tries to develop a treatment for the encephalitis lethargic the guy suffers. The movie is both heartwarming, even if the theme ending depresses the hell out of me.

No se aceptan devoluciones Instructions Not Included Movie Review

This movie is about a Mexican stud, named Valentin, which gets an unwanted bundle of joy from his last girlfriends. The movie starts with him talking about his father “Johnny” Bravo. His father was always trying to get Valentin to overcome his fears. The way he did is quite comically illustrated in the movie.

When his father locked him inside the cemetery, Valentin started to think his father did not love him. He eventually grows up. One day, his gringo ex-girlfriend Julie abandons her baby daughter at Valentin’s home. Since he does not speak English, he only half gets what Julie was telling him.

When he finally understands, he races to the airport to return the baby. Since he misses the flight, he crosses the border to return the baby. He is tracks her down using the photo. Somewhere along the way, he starts caring about the baby Maggie. In the end, he stays in the US to raise Maggie.

So he takes up a job as a stunt double to make a lot of money for his daughter. It is an ironic job since he never overcame his fears. On top of everything, he worries about that ICE will take his US born daughter away. It is a heartwarming movie and it shows you the complexities of illegal Mexican families.

The Raven Edgar Allan Poe Movie Review

The Raven is a crime movie based on the books of Edgar Allan Poe. Like his books, the movie is quite disturbing.  One day, one of Poe’s fans gets a little crazy. He starts bringing to life all the chilling deaths described in Poe’s books.

The inspiration for this movie has to do with the final days of Poe. Days before he died, Poe was obsessing about a guy named Reynolds. The creators of the film made the serial killer a so called Reynolds.

Considering the time period, it would have guessed that Reynolds was Poe’s lover. He had probably recently died like all of Poe’s lovers. Anyhow, the movie is not half bad. I recommend it to anyone who likes Poe’s books.

World War Z Zombie Movie Review

World War Z is one of my favorite Zombie movies. I normally do not like zombie movies, but this one was truly awesome. What is great about the movie is that is scary, but not gory. Most zombie movies gross me out. The zombies from the film are of the running variety.

Then again, they are not your typical zombies. The humans are simply zombie like, because of a virus. It’s kinda like I, Legend. Anyhow, the movie is based on a book about a hypothetical zombie virus. The book analyzed how each country would handle the problem.

The writer reasoned the democratic countries would have a hard time with the virus. Like the ebola problem we are having today, the President would be too worry about his public image to do what has to be done. The opening scene makes a parallel between humans and ants.

It shows humans moving all over the place. Usually, the public transportation is key for spreading pandemics. All those random scenes eventually become the title of the movie. From there, the scene changes to the main character, Gerry Lane.  He wanted to spend more time with the family.

While having breakfast, he sees news about the zombie outbreak in the city. The containment of the virus had failed. Containments in the US are rarely successful. The place was quickly becoming Raccoon city. Lane must struggle to get his family to safety. The opening scene is quite fast paced. I recommend this movie to all action movie lovers.

Forget Paris Comedy Movie Review

Forget Paris is quite the hilarious romantic comedy.  The film is told through the friends of the main characters. They all meet for dinner and they start talking about their favorite couple. The main character is a basketball referee called Mickey Gordon.  He flies to Paris to bury his dead father.

The trip to Paris turns sour when the airliner loses his dead father. I mean, how do you lose a coffin? He ends up befriending and falling in love with an agent from the airliner. Both end up having a lovely romance together. After their romance, they return to their regular lives.

The problem is that Gordon is having a hard time forgetting Paris. How their relationship develops is the centerpiece of this romantic comedy. The best line in the movie is “You ask for it, You got it, Toyota…”.  Watch the movie and find out who says the line.


Tootsie is one of my favorite movies. It takes place in the 80s or something. The main character is a very demanding, talented actor. Like all actors of the kind, he does not have any money. His agent one day tells him that no one will hire him, because he is so difficult.

In order to get a job, he creates a female persona called Dorothy. He uses his female alter ego to get a job in a famous show. Now, he lives a double life as himself and as Tootsie. The movie is pretty funny. The best scenes take place when he is changing personas. I recommend it to all who like romantic comedies.

Carrie New Version

A few weeks ago, I watched Carrie. This was the new version of the movie. This version is a lot bloodier than the last one I saw. Since it was a new Carrie, they integrated modern technology into the equation. The best one in the movie was Jody Foster. She played quite the crazy mama.

The girl playing Carrie also did an interesting performance. Like the Carrie from the book, she was also blonde. Her hysterical scene was a little overdone, but whatever. The special effects were a nice little touch. If you like all the previous Carries, than watch this one. It is worth it just to see Jody Foster stab Carrie to death.

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