Movies Review: Great Gatsby, Death Becomes Her, Shadow of the Vampire

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Movies Review: Great Gatsby, Death Becomes Her, Shadow of the Vampire

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The Great Gatsby 3D Movie Review 5 stars worthy

A few days ago, I went to see "The Great Gatsby" movie at the Dolphin Moll. I went to see it with my family. After some persuasion, I convinced them to see the movie in 3D. At first, I thought that we were the only idiots watching "The Great Gatsby" in 3D. A few minutes later, the theater was full of people. It had been a long time since I watched a 3D movie. The graphics came out great.

At the start of the film, we saw the green light that the Great Gatsby was always gazing at. The audience is slowly enchanted by that light. Later in the film, the narrator explains its significance. The remake of this film was better than the last three version. The reason being that Leonardo DiCaprio made a Great Gatsby. Truly, DiCaprio made a great Gatsby.

He was exquisite in the part where Gatsby showed his true colors. Like in the book, the director managed to allude well to Gatsby's true nature. Like the rich people, Gatsby was a pretender. As a matter of fact, he was the biggest lair of them all. However, what made him the great Gatsby was that he did it all for love. What I found most creepy were the evil eyes in slums of New York.

For those that never read the book or saw the first movies, I highly recommend this remake. The graphics are exquisite. It is like a new kind of 3D. The best scenes took place during Gatsby's great parties. They were each more extravagant than the last. Overall, there where at least 3 party scenes. The fireworks, the snow, the flowers and the sparkles got in your face a lot. However, what I like best was the 3D snow effect.

The oddest 3D effect came from the lights. In a strange way, it made you feel as if the sun was really in your face. Needless to say, if you stared at it directly you would go blind. Nah, that is a bit of an exaggeration. There was something that I did not like about the movie. The music was a blend of the 1920s music and our modern day music. Needless to say, they had to update the music to attract a  younger audience.

The organ player was was pretty cool. Overall, "The Great Gatsby" was pretty great. Frankly, this remake was the only Great Gatsby that I actually liked. When I was in high school, they tried to shove  "The Great Gatsby" down my throat. The book was pretty boring. The movie versions that followed where not so great, either. However, this new version was amassing. As the saying goes: The fifth time is the charm. In any case, this "The Great Gatsby 3D" movie  is a 5 stars worth movie.

Death Becomes Her Horror Comedy Review 5 Stars Worthy

I like the Death Becomes Her movie. I seen it like a million times. I still enjoy it, even after all this time. For those that never saw the movie, the film is about a love triangle. Two women are fighting over a man. One is the beautiful blondy Madeline Ashton. At the start of the film, she appears in the parodied version of Sweet Bird of Youth. In that performance, she steals the heart of her best friend's fiance. After this event, Helen Sharp, Madeline's friend, turns into a crazy fat chick. During the her stay at the insane asylum, she recovers her sanity when she conspires to kill Madeline once and for all.

 However, her plans are foiled when Madeline too drinks the same immortality potion. Like we all know, you cannot kill an immortal. However, you can definitely seriously injure one. The rest of the film is full of strange absurd events revolving that youth potion. This movie is great for women who are obsessed with beauty. I liked best the acting of Bruce Willis. He played the character Ernest Menville. He was the 3rd in this love triangle. I think that is everything worth saying about this hilarious movie. Truly, Death Becomes Her deserves 5 stars rating.

The Shadow of the Vampire Odd Horror Movie Review

A few days ago, I watched a pretty odd vampire horror movie. It was a fictional account of the making of the Nosferatu movie. For being a horror movie, I found it quite hilarious in a sickening fashion. It is not as if the movie was aiming to be funny. I simply found many of the situations hilarious. The first part that made me laugh was when Count Orlok entered the scene. It really did freaked out the actor playing Jonathan.

I found depressing the Count's thoughts on Dracula. I never realized how much that bloodthirsty vampire suffered.  It is fun to have a vampire's perspective on Bram Stoker. Count Orlok felt bad for Dracula because he did not have any servants. Overnight, Dracula had to learn how to prepare a meal. It was hard because he did not even remember what bread tasted like. Also, he was forced to do the medial tasks like fixing Jonathan's bedroom.

The part he found most depressing was when Jonathan saw Dracula fixing his meals. I can see why that part was depressing. In his previous life, Dracula was Vlad the Impalor. Now, he was a mere shadow of his former self. Speaking of the shadow of a vampire, Count Orlok's shadow had an effect on the humans. The girl playing Mina was deeply struck by his shadow. In a way, this was Count Orlok's unique powers. Not even Dracula had such a freaky shadow.

I think that is everything worth mentioning about the Shadow of the Vampire. There are a lot of other interesting scenes. However, I do not want to spoil the ending of this horror movie. The only thing I did not understood was why this movie was rated R. Oh well... Truly, this odd "horror" movie deserves 5 stars rating. I recommend it to all Count Dracula lovers.

I, Robot Futuristic  Movie 5 Stars Worthy

I, Robot was a pretty cool movie. Apparently, it was based on a book written by Isaac Asimov. I have it in my home. I will eventually get around to read it. On the meantime, I want to review the movie. What I liked most about the movie was the acting of Will Smith. There he played a police officer who hated robots. Mostly, because one had saved him, instead of a little kid. Had the robot been a human, he would have bothered to save the little kid. As such, he hates the cold logical thinking of robots.

The movie starts with the laws of robotics. Those laws where supposed to make them safe. One day, he goes to see a murder case at a robot factory. There he discovers a rogue robot named Sonny. Unlike most robots, Sonny had free will. Will Smith used to wondered why his creator would give Sonny freewill. This freewill made Sonny a suspect in his creator's murder.

I think that is everything worth mentioning. I do not want to give away the ending. Let us just say, that around the end, the Robots went terminator on everyone. The reason why is pretty interesting. What I liked about the movie was that Sunny reminded me a bit of a futuristic Pinocchio. The way he got along with his father was pretty cute. The fact that he also had dreams was pretty odd as well. Another thing that I liked about the movie was the Robot Chicken Parody. In this one, the robot of the Jetson was suspected of murdering her owner. It was really quite hilarious. In any case, both the parody and the movie of I, Robot deserves 5 stars rating. I recommend it to all robot loving weirdos.

The Bucket List 5 Stars Worthy Grim Comedy Movie

About two years ago, I watched "The Bucket List" with my family. "The Bucket List" is one of those movies that you like to see often, despite its sad ending. It kinda makes you feel better about your impending demise. Like you all know, we all will die at some point or other. The only difference is that the characters in this movie knew when they would die.

This movie had two of the best comedy actors of this day and age. It had Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Together, they made an awesome movie. For those that have never seen the movie, "The Bucket List" is about two guys who are dying of cancer. One is a rich guy and the other is a blue collard worker. They became friends in the hospital.

One day, Freeman was making a bucket list. It was a list of things he wanted to do before dying. Nicholson read the list and decided to do the list with him. The rest of the movie was about completing "The Bucket List". My favorite part was when both guys went sky diving. It was a pretty funny scene. I recommend this movie to everyone. Truly, "The Bucket List" deserves 5 stars rating.

Beetlejuice Horror Comedy 5 stars Worthy Movie Review

Beetlejuice was a great horror comedy. I watched this movie when I was a little kid. I also watched it whenever it was on TV. In any case, this movie is about a cute couple. In order to compensate for their infertility, they spent their time decorating their home. The day they finished they had a little accident. Needless to say, they did not survived that accident.

For the rest of the movie, they had to cope with being dead. Since they were novices at the whole ghost thing, they were contacted by Beetlejuice. According to his T.V. ad, he was an expert in bio-exorcist. I thought that was a pretty witty joke. In order to summon him, you had to say his name three times. The rest of the movie became about their Beetlejuice related problems.

If you think about it, the way his named worked was very similar to the Bloody Mary thing. Aside from Beetlejuice, I liked the lil Gothic girl, Lydia. It was a real bummer how her parents ignored her. She was such a cutie. Aside from the story line, I liked the scenery a lot. The set of the model of the town was quite adorable.

Aside from the scenery, I also liked the odd motley music. The best scenes were the music skits from the dinner party and from the ending of the movie. Beetlejuice is just like all those great 80s movie. It had a great soundtrack that went well with the movie. I think that is everything worth mentioning about the film. I recommend it to everyone. Truly, Beetlejuice is a 5 stars worthy movie.

Ghost 1990 5 Stars Worthy Love Movie Review

A few years ago, I watched the Ghost movie. It is one of my favorite movies. It has both a dark and bright outlook of the afterlife. The main character was a guy who was murdered. Now, he is a Ghost. He first found out that he was dead when he went to the hospital. The whole passing through walls things also helped to convince him that he was totally dead.

Very early, the movie alluded to the four odd grim things that took people to hell. Anyhow, many of the problems of the Ghost guy consisted on his inability to interact with his wife. Via a medium, who was played by Whoopie Goldberg, he was able to talk with his wife. Speaking of Goldberg, she was quite hilarious in this movie.

I liked how she reacted to her first true close encounter. The ghost guy helped her develop her psychic powers. In the past, she was just a fraud. However, she became a true seer thanks to the ghost guy. Speaking of ghosts, my favorite ghost  from the movie was the guy that haunted the subways. He was able to touch things. The main character convinced him to teach him how to do the same tricks.

The problem was that the ghost guy still treated matter in the usual fashion. After all, a ghost does not truly have any fingers to move stuffs. I think that is everything worth mentioning about this movie. It was really something else. I recommend it to all who have lost someone precious. In any case, this ghost movie deserves 5 stars rating.

The Matrix Trilogy Futuristic Movies Review 5 Stars

I do not need to tell you that the Matrix movies are 5 stars worthy movies. I also do not need to tell you what they are about. The Matrix is the tale of the blue pill and the red pill. Neo, who choose the red pill saw the world for what it truly was. Frankly, I liked the first movie a hell of a lot. Its exaggerations where believable. By the time of the third movie, the battles seemed like a duel between two super men.

I think I will start reviewing the first movie. The movie starts with Mr. Anders, played by Keanu Reeves. He is a hacker named Neo. He has been searching for the Morpheus hacker for years. Eventually, Morpheus finds him. Much to his deep chagrin, Neo gets infected by a tracking cookie that had to be removed. The movies had a lot of neat visualization of a lot of computer programs.

The oracle was the most freaky program. In the end, she too was part of the system of control. The way she spoke was pretty freaky. Her name too was taken from computer Jargon. There is a cool oracle programming language out there. There is also an oracle computer company that dishes out hard oracle examinations. Anyhow, she too tested to see who was the One.

In the end, like all seers, she told you what you wanted to hear. In essence, she was a fraud. Aside from the Machines, the main antagonist was Mr. Smith. He started out like a regular program. However, when he came in contact with Neo, he turned into a Virus. By the time the third movie came, he had turned everyone into himself.

Well, I am getting a bit ahead of myself. What I liked a lot was Neo's training. It is a bummer how he learned kong fu in computer world. The lady in red was also pretty cute. However, my favorite part was the jumping training. Everyone always falls the first time.

Frankly, the best part about the first movie was the fighting. Either with guns or martial arts, the battles were pretty elaborated. I liked a lot Trinity's high kick. The way Neo dodged the bullets was also pretty cool. Its a bummer how the dream team got betrayed. It sure goes to show that some people rather live in the world of illusion.

Now, onto the second movie. In the second movie, Neo is already flying like super man. From time to time, he bleeds in his battles. This usually gives courage to his enemies. In this movie, this random program alludes to the fact that Neo was not the only One. Another interesting feature are the odd new bad guys. The ghost men were pretty cool. Anyhow, in that movie, they finally showed you Zion. Frankly, I was not too impressed. They were simply futuristic cavemen.

The final movie was a real bummer. It did brought closure to the films. If you think about it, it started with Neo and it ended with Neo. I thought it was ironic that the people from Zion used machines to defeat the machines. Regardless of how you go about it, mankind needs machines to survive.

My favorite part of the film was when Neo and Trinity finally saw the sunrise. They rose above all the darkness of the world bellow. For a second, they saw glory. A second later, Trinity died. I was glad that Neo had no magic powers to revive her. It was a real bummer how she survived the second part. Frankly, they gave him too much powers.

It was worse when he started affecting the machines outside the Matrix. Needless to say, his contact with Mr. Smith gave him such super powers. I think that is everything worth mentioning about the movie. The Matrix Trilogy are 5 stars worthy movies. Yet, I liked better the first movie. I think the Matrix could have done just fine without the other two movies.

Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2 Cool Martial Arts Movies Review 5 Stars

Today, I wanted to review both of volumes of the Kill Bill movies. I watched the second part first. However, for orderly purposes, I will start with the first movie. Like we all know, Kill Bill is a tale of revenge. The protagonist is played by Uma Thurman. She is ought to Kill Bill and the Viper Assassination Squad that ruined her wedding. The first revenge mission shown in this movie took place at the home of one of the Vipers. The Bride killed her before the Viper's daughter.

It was quite a gruesome sight. My favorite part of the movie was all the scenes relating to O-Ren Ishii aka Cottonmouth. Her background story was pretty gory. I liked how it was made anime style. The final battle with O-ren was also pretty cool. The Bride had to kill a hell of a lot of people. Another thing that I liked was the background story of the Hattori Hanzo's sword.

I think that is everything worth mentioning about the first movie. Now onto the second movie. The second Kill Bill movie featured The Bride's training. He teacher was really something else. He only trained  The Bride because he was feeling lonely in his old age. The conditioning of the fist training was pretty cool. It was also a real bummer the big deal about the rice.

Its a pity the way that Elle killed The Bride's master. Then again, poisoning someone is a chick thing. The final battle with Bill was also something else. The five finger palm of death was pretty cool. Aside from the story line and the fights, the music of the Kill Bill movies was pretty cool.  Truly, Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2 deserves 5 stars rating.

The Producers 2005 Musical Comedy 5 Stars Worthy

Today, I wanted to review the Producers 2005. It is a remake of the first Producers movie.  The movie is about two friends who try to make a terrible musical.  It was their hope to swindle the money of the investors for themselves. In order to carry out their plans, they sought the worst screenplay ever written. The musical they chose was "Springtime for Hitler". It was an ode  to Adolf Hitler. It was guaranteed to be the worst play ever written.

When they got the worst play, they sought the worst actors. Somehow, they managed to make it a success. Aside from the odd story line, the songs sang were pretty good. I liked best the songs sang by Uma Thurman. She played a foreign blondy who was looking for a job. Since she was cute, the Producers had her be their secretary while they waited for their play to begin.

Eventually, her presence helps develops a sort of love triangle between the producers and the girl. I think that is everything worth mentioning. The ending is something worth watching. Truly, the Producers deserves 5 stars rating. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes musicals and the actress Uma Thurman.


The Fifth Element 5 Stars Worthy Futuristic Movie Review

The Fifth Element was a 5 stars worthy futuristic movie. I watch it whenever it is on TV. The movie is about the perfect woman. This perfect woman is the 5th element. Her name is Leeloo and she is played by the action hottie Milla Jovovich. She is a weapon created to combat the ultimate evil. Every few millenniums, this Ultimate Evil comes to earth. Whenever it arrives, some aliens bring the 5th element to planet Earth to destroy it. The movie starts with all the elements being removed by their guardians.

Sometime passes and in the 23rd century, the ultimate evil returns. The humans did not know what to make of it. They are informed of the evil's true nature by the aliens' human agents. In any case, the aliens bringing back the elements got attacked. The only survivor was Leeloo, the 5th element. She met her romantic interest after escaping the lab. Her lover boy was played by Bruce Willis. He was pretty cool in this movie.

When they met, the movie finally began. Frankly, I liked the movie a hell of a lot. It is neat how they described love as an element. The battle that Leeloo fought while the Diva sang was pretty cool. Frankly, that blue alien chick looked like a dolled up version of the Alien from the Alien movies. Another character that I liked was Rudy Rhod. He was quite hilarious. He was played by Chris Tucker. I think that is everything worth mentioning about the movie. I do not want to spoil the ending, for those that have never seen the movie. Truly, The Fifth Element is a 5 stars worthy movie.

Sister Act 1 and 2 Music Comedy Movies Reviews 5 Stars Worthy

Today, I wanted to review the Sister Act movies. Both featured the hilarious actress Whoopi Goldberg. She play the singer Dolores. The movie starts with Dolores at school. She is making many pranks as a little girl in her Catholic school. Her teacher warns her where she will end up if she keeps up that attitude. It turns out that the nun was prophetic about Dolorers's future. She did ended up singing in a random club in Las Vegas.

Long story short, Dolores' lover was a criminal. By accident, she witnessed a crime. She was forced to go into witness protection in a nunnery. While there, Dolores became Sister Mary Clarence. Once again, she was forced to relive the whole Catholic Nun thing. In order to pass the time, her superior sent her to the choir. She was able to make them sing better.

In the second movie, Dolores was contacted by her nun friends. She had become famous via her "Sister Act" show. That day her friends asked her to go see the mother superior. She was in desperate need. The mother superior wanted Dolores to teach music to some high school students. Once again, Dolores had to become a nun. Like before, she made her miracle happen. A lot of other things happened. However, I do not want to spoil the endings.

What I liked best about both movies where the songs. They were really something else. As usual, the best songs where the last ones. In the second movie, I liked better the classical version of "Ode to Joy". I studied the song, in my art class. It is actually about the celebration of the creativity of men. Originally, it was not a religious song. In any case, both great movies deserve 5 stars rating. I recommend it to all music lovers.

Good For Nothing Odd Western Comedy Movie Review 5 Stars

Good For Nothing is a very odd western movie. The plot is very simple. It is about a murderous cowboy who want to sleep with a British lady he kidnapped. The lady was traveling west to her family's plantation. On the way, this cowboy shot her escorts and took her with him. He tried to sleep with her, however, his dick had "broken".

The rest of the movie focused on him searching for a cure for his broken dick. Every time he found a doctor, he would recommend him to another. On the way, he slew the sheriff of a town who tried to get his girl. For the rest of the movie the cowboy and his girl were hunted down. I found hilarious the Chinese doctor. He tried acupuncture on the cowboy's dick. Naturally, it did not work.

Eventually, the cowboy made his way to the Indian doctor. What was cute about the movie is that along the way, the reason why his dick broke became clear to the watcher. The cowboy had fallen in love with the refined British lady. As such, he could not bring himself to sleep with her against her will. This odd romantic comedy deserves 5 stars rating. I recommend it to all western movie lovers.

Elizabeth: The Golden Age 5 Stars Worthy Historical Movie Review

A few months ago, I got around to watching the Queen Elizabeth movie. I knew her history rather well. However, that still did not stopped me from enjoying the movie. Like we all know, Queen Elizabeth defeated the Spanish armada and fixed the British economy. Her most important innovation was the decapitation of her cousin Mary Stuart.

That event was very important. It served as premise for the decapitation of the French monarchs, during the French Revolution. Frankly, I found this movie to be a bit too pro British. I read Mary Stuart's autobiography. How she ended up prisoner of her cousin was a due to a big misunderstanding... Then again, the murder of her husband was a bit too problematic.

Yet, the real reason she was prisoner was because her son wanted to inherit the throne. He sold his mother out to Queen Elizabeth. Mary Stuart was indeed plotting against her cousin. However, she was doing so because she feared for her life. It is natural for you to plot against those who keep you captive. Plus, she was in her very right to kill her husband. After all, during those days, Kings and Queens were above the law.

It was Queen Elizabeth who brought them down to the mundane world. In a way, she single handily caused the events that destroyed monarchy as we know it. Another interesting fact, that was omitted in the movie, was the story of Mary Stuart's pet dog. When she was taken to be decapitated, her dogie followed her along. He was bathed in his owner's blood. When they tried to take her head, the bloody puppy came out frightened. It was a very gory sight.

Another interesting detail, was that her hair turned completely white overnight. When her head fell, the executioners saw that she had been wearing a wig. It was a real bummer. One last important detail was that Mary Stuart was a cute blondy. She was also infinitely more beautiful then Elizabeth. In this movie, they made her uglier to make Queen Elizabeth shine.

Those were the few things that I did not like about the movie. Thinking about it, this was a movie that glorified Queen Elizabeth. It makes sense that the writer would tweet the facts in her favor. She did have a lot more half lovers. The reason why she did not have a guy were two folds. First, she had an odd disease around the leg. She had inherited from her father, Henry the 8th. The second reason is that if she got man she would lose all her powers.

During her early childhood, she was kicked out of her palace because she was not a man. She feared that if she got a husband, she would end up like her mother. If you think about it, she was not very far from the truth. Movie drama wise, I liked her relationship with the pirate. My family is a direct descendant from those pirates. It was cute how the movie showed that the Queen was living through her attendant.

She liked to make her maid dance with the man she liked. The ending of the movie was pretty epic. It is interesting how they orchestrated the ocean battle. The storm was a lovely detail. Since then, everyone thought that the Queen could summon up storms at will. This only furthered color the Spanish's opinions of the Queen.

Another thing that I liked about the movie where the Queen's dresses. She compensated her ugliness with fancy dresses. She had like a 1000 elaborated dresses. That is a lot of dresses even for this day and age. They included the fancy jewelry that went along with them. I also like the Queen's fancy silver armor. I think that is everything worth mentioning about the movie. Truly, it is a 5 stars worthy historical movie.

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Comedy Drama Movie 5 Stars Worthy

Today, I wanted to review "The best exotic marigold hotel". I want to review the movie, not the hotel. A few weeks ago, I got around to watching the movie. I mostly liked it because it had my two favorite actresses. The first one is Judi Dench, the boss of James Bond. In this movie, she played a newly widowed woman. The second actress that I liked is Maggie Smith, from like a billion movies that I have watched. In this movie, she played an ex housekeeper that was fired after she trained her replacement.

In any case, these two maidens along with another group of elderly folks saw an add on the internet. The website promised a vision of an Indian hotel dedicated to the elderly. When they arrived, to the hotel they saw that it was just a vision. The movie itself is about coping with old age. The group of elderly folks there must deal with many different problems.

On the meantime, they observe the wonders of India. Interesting enough, this movie did more emphasis on the modern India. The owner of the hotel, Sunny, had problems with his mother. He wanted to marry the girl he loved, not his approved bride. An interesting scene was when one of the old ladies visited a club. She told the owner that she deserved a discount because she was royalty.

Interesting enough, the owner knew that the Queen she was pretending to be had been dead for 20 years.  That scene shows you that most tourists think the Hindi people as fools. Another interesting scene was when Maggie Smith spoke to an Untouchable maid. The girl was so happy that she acknowledge her existence that she invited Maggie to dinner. This scene showed you another dark side to the Hindu society.

The final dark side shown in this movie was the fate of gay men in Hindu society. One of the old men in the group, had returned to India to seek out his old lover boy. He was wondering what became of his life. When he was young they were found out. Since he was British, his family went easy on him. However, his Hindu lover lost everything. His family was forced to move to hide their shame.

In a society ruled by family and tradition, their love was forbidden. Overall, the movie focuses on the hotel and how it changed the life of those who visited it. In a way, the hotel serves as a metaphor for India. Tourist come there expecting to see something beautiful. However, when they arrive they are shocked to see the advent poverty and discrimination. Despite it's harsh theme, the ending is rather pretty and heartwarming. It leaves you feeling good. Truly, "The best exotic marigold hotel" deserves 5 stars rating. I recommend it to all who like comedies.

Juan of the Dead Zombie Cuban Comedy 5 Stars Worthy Movie Review

Juan of the Dead  or Juan de lost Muertos is the Cuban answer to Shaun of the Dead. Like that comedy, it is the tale of an average Joe's fight against the zombies. The tale begins with Juan and his friend fishing. Juan is the narrator of the story. He describes how he is a survivor. He survived two wars, the special period and what followed. For those that do not know, the Special period was a time when the food in Cuba was seriously rationed.

Through the movie, he talks about how he is a survivor. He says that all he needs is a chance to get ahead. Anyhow, that day this boat gets attacked by an escaped prisoner. His friend Lazaro harpoons the guy. It turns out that the convict was actually a zombie. However, they have never dealt with a zombie. Thus, they thought they had murdered someone. They left the dead zombie thing sink to the bottom of the ocean.

The second zombie they encountered it in an old lady's house. She called them because her husband was dead. When they arrived, the old man was walking. She thought it was a miracle because he had not walked in a long time. He started attacking Juan and then Lozero harpooned the guy. The harpoon went through the old man's belly and accidentally struck the old lady. She died on the spot.

The scene that followed was hilarious. Naturally, the zombie did not die from being harpooned in the belly. They thought that the old guy was possessed by the devil. They tried to exorcise him. When it did not work, they tried a wooden stake. Eventually, striking the head worked. Days later, more zombies attacks were reported on TV. However, the Castro government called the zombies dissidents. They said that such cannibalism attacks was a plot of the U.S. to destroy Cuba.

The next night Juan and Lorenzo got together with La China and his cousin. Together, they started discussing about the cannibalism of the dissidents. That very night the a head member of the C.D.R. ( one of the bureaucratic communist heads) got attacked by a zombie. They were marveled at the strength of the dissidents. They wondered what the Americans were feeding them.

Eventually, the entire city got full of zombies. However, to Juan the place still looked the same. Long story short, Juan decides to take advantage of the situation. He starts a zombie or dissident killing business with his friends. The ending of the movie is pretty cool. Overall, this movie is a metaphor to what is happening in Cuba. Food is still badly ration. Its gotten to a point that most Cubans only have their neighbors for food.

The whole "We kill your Loved Ones" slogan of Juan's zombie business is another metaphor. In Cuba, most youngsters are hoping that their parents die to inherit their things. Death is the only way for Cubans to advance in the bureaucratic dictatorship they live in.

Anyhow, my favorite part was when Juan and his crew was saved by a gringo. The American was an expert at killing zombies. Using his car, he decapitated an army of them. The problem was that Juan had forgotten most of the English he had learned at school. What was funny was the way the gringo spoke. He said he wanted to help them with their zombie problems because God told him to.

The most hilarious part of the movie was when Juan's crew visited a hotel. The Italian tourists and the women they had hired had become zombies. The owner had contacted Juan to clean up the place. When they came down they got surrounded. Juan said," How can this get any worse?" In that moment, there was a blackout. They were forced to fight the army of zombies in utter darkness. Like you all know, Cuba has a lot of roaring blackouts. That scene reminded the viewers of that sad  fact.

Another interesting scene was the seaside zombie battle. Jaun saw that the Cuban waters were full of zombies of those who had tried to leave Cuba. It was a very creepy sight. For being a zombie comedy, it touched a lot of political subjects. I recommend it to all zombie movie fans. The zombie goriness and the effects are pretty cool. The parodied fighting styles were also great. Truly, Juan of the Dead or Juan de los Muertos deserves 5 stars rating.

The Last Supper Cuban Movie Edition 5 Stars Worthy

A few months years ago, I watched the Last Supper. It is a Cuban colonial parody of Jesus's last Supper. One day, a colonial master decided to try a little experiment. He choose 12 slaves to have a Supper with him. Via example, he wanted to teach them a Catholicism. He chose as his Judas a slave that had tried to escape 7 times, and failed.

The dinner was pretty peachy and the ending pretty bloody. This movie brings to light the contradictions between Catholicism and slave society. The Catholics had to remake their religion in order to make it ok to enslave other men. My favorite part was when Judas said his lines. He pretended to be asleep or quiet for most of the party.

However, when his master slept. He spoke as thus. He told the Yoruba story of the creation of truth and lies. Oludumare, the creator made truth pretty strong and lie weak. He felt sorry for the lie and thus he gave him a machete. One day, the lie decapitated the truth. The truth searched for his head and found the lie. He took the lie's head and now the truth walks with the head of the lie.

He argued how the truth and the lies are all mixed up. He warned them against taking their master's teachings seriously. They may sound like the truth, however, they are used to excuse lies. In any case, the Last Super is a 5 stars worthy old Cuban movie. I recommend it to all who have a taste for the colonial period.

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