My Inspiring Yellow Rose

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My Inspiring Yellow Rose

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Yellow Roses represent Joy and Friendship. I did not know this till five minutes ago when I googled it. I chose this rose bush because it looked inspired indeed. It has been quite a pig. I have been looking after it nonstop for the last couple of weeks. They say that when replanted, it needs extra water.

It so happens to be one of those occasional really hot winters. The weather has been quite unstable in Florida. Some days, it is hot, others windy and cold. The plants in my garden are hardy indeed. The party was a little bit of a mess, but uneventful. A douche started to make bad jokes at a good mate’s expense.

A fight almost broke out, but mother softened the situation. I do not want to go into details about it because they are mother’s coworkers as all. One douche when he saw my photogenic garden said I should just remove all the plants, and start afresh.

artsy sister,teresita blanco,rose bush

The last time we listened to a gardener, we lost two of my favorite trees. You just can’t trust these douches. This is part of the reason why I prefer the British gardening shows. All in all, every gardener I met has been a complete douche in one way or another. Their solutions to things are too extreme.

I think everything that a gardener tells you is a lie, specially in the US. On a whole, they are trying to score themselves a new gig. When we do offer them to do something, they just shrug it off and go for the most expensive, time consuming options. He wanted us to dig an irrigation well.

This is Florida, you can’t build wells here. The ground is as unstable as it is, without further jeopardizing it well ideas. Aside from the gardener and the party pooper, every else was relatively tolerable. As before, I was relegated to babysitting. One was a five year old and the other a toddler.

artsy sister,roses,rose bush

They jumped on my bed with their shoes and almost broke a couple of things on my nightstand. The toddler also colored everything, but the paper. Eventually, I putted on a video game and called it quits. I have a lot of kid friendly video games, most of them from Nintendo.

The one that suited the oldest girl better was Kingdom Hearts 3. She said in a nutshell that she loved it, but she got bored pretty quickly of all the six worlds they had programed. She was really disappointed she was not allowed into Erza’s ice castle.

In the Rapunzel world, she kept missing the princess because the girl was a brunette now. When she went to Monster’s Inc, she hated the factory. She spent some time destroying the laughter cans. It was just an eyesore. Pirates of the Caribbean also outgrew its welcome pretty soon.

artsy sister,gardening,yellow flowers

There was just nothing to do, and everything look sour and black. Sanfrantokyo did not entertain her for more than 3 minutes. I think 5 year old girls should beta test all video games. If you cannot keep entertained a five year old little girl gamer, then you are doing something wrong.

The only world that kept her entertained was the one from Toy Story, though she was disappointed Andy was not there. Another thing she hated was the loading time. She was jumping to the couch, rolling on the floor and tapping the loading bar, while waiting for the new world to load.

I am so sick of loading time. This turned into a Kingdom Hears 3 review. This was the thing I used to do back in the old days. I reviewed anime, movies and games. It was a crowded market, so I went on with my life. Lately, the blogs have been taking a bit of a diary format. It helps me not think too much on things.

artsy sister,gardening,garden photos

Aside from the games, the girl whose name alludes me brought with her a toy T-Rex. The father ended up breaking its tail by lying down on it. I could have mentioned its presence, but they were not paying me care. He was also trying to remove her baby earrings, even though the attempt was hurting her tiny ears.

I once wore my baby earrings for an entire decade. Eventually, I stopped wearing them when they finally broke. As of now, I am roosting with two other earrings. The long and short of it is that I can see why the little girl from Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom freed the dinosaurs.

Little girls just like giant reptile monster who eat grownups. This doesn’t apply to all girls. The toddler was scared of the T-Rex. This was quite adorable, her father kept trying to get the girl to pet the T-Rex. The toddler was fat and cute. She too was hopping around. Like most toddlers one had to watch her like a hawk.

artsy sister,rose bush,gardening tips

I think this is just about it as far as last night was concerned. I could go into other details. Still, I do not feel like I should speak of things I did not see. All in all, the adult conversations were pretty stupid. The party pooper kept trying to be the center of attention.

The long and short of it is that he is not putting another foot inside this house. This is at least what mother promised, but it remains to be seen how long that lasts. I think I am going to add more floral pictures into this blog. I do not have any party photos, because I hate looking at the faces of the strangers who visited.

I just want to forget the party ever occurred, with the bad jokes and terrible karaoke. The party pooper even broke our ice cooler. We had the same one for the last five years and he ups and breaks it. The people on a whole were big disappointments, with four notable exceptions.

 artsy sister,impressionist photography,gardening tips

They know they are in the nice list, so there is no need to mention them. Now, back to my gardening concerns. I just want to have a lot of flowering plants. I am waiting for the tiny red ones to get acclimated. I added some rocks to the new ones to help them gain some level and sunlight.

Some flowers are just too heavy to gain any height. I think the problematic rosebush is not so much as drooping as facing the sun. The yellow rose is a bit of a sunflower in that regards. Maybe, I am worrying over nothing. Next week, I have to feed my flowers again.

I am still a little bit thoughtful as to the exact date. There are just some days when you particularly have a lot of things to say. I suppose I am just as inspired and fretful as my rosebush. I think this has dragged on long enough. I am going to draw this blog into a close, now!

artsy sister,flower,yellow rose

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