My Newest Rose

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My Newest Rose

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A day or so ago, my rose bloomed. I have been trying to tend to my rose bush for a couple of weeks. I decided to water the plants a bit. From time to time, I pour a bit of milk to take care of some issues. I think it was to take care of the milkweed or something. I forget.

Anyhow, while watering the plants, the rose finally bloomed. My garden has some issues with draining. Most of the water I pour slips by really easily. The Hibiscus tree is doing a lot better. It has plenty of open leaves. Most people only water the roots. I also water the leaves. I imagine that it refreshes the plant.

I think it is just the way humans related to water. We should only drink water, but it is also refreshing to take a bath once a day. I wander if this is going to increase our water bill. At first, I thought that the rose was going to grow a couple of flowers .I read that the dominant branch suppresses its sides.

If you have one branch longer than the other, it will produce a single large flower, instead of many small flowers. Anyhow, I have gotten into watering the flowers at a certain schedule. By keeping the time, the flowers know what to expect. They do not lure bees when I am out doing that.

The flowers can regulate when they release their nectars. It is not in their benefit to have their pollinators harmed. Most people do not consider plants to be sentient, feeling creatures. This is part of the reason why vegetarians always says that it is better to eat plants, instead of animals.

Plants go a great length to not be edible. They do not want to get eaten, and they also do not enjoy being cut. Still, I read pruning was necessary to promote growth. Just like humans who need to cut their nails and hair, plants do require a bit of trimming.

It is best to do so in the winter. This promote growth. This is about it as far as plants are concerned. I am still a novice as far as gardening is concerned. I do not even have a proper shovel. For now, enjoy this lovely rose I photographed.

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