Myth Paintings by William Adolphe Bouguereau

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Myth Paintings by William Adolphe Bouguereau

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Today, I wanted to review so mythological paintings. I am using the myth term broadly. It saves the the trouble of putting on the title Greek and Roman paintings. In any case, this first painting shows the Queen Zenobie. She is well known for nearly defeating the Romans. In this painting, her luck had finally run out. She had tried running away from the Romans. She nearly drowned in the river side. Here, the shepherds are taking care of her. It is interesting the differences in attires between the Queen and the shepherds.

In this painting, we see a maiden that represents modesty. The girl is very well dressed. She is also avoiding the gaze of the viewer. Behind her, we see the lilies. In this context, it shows that the girl is a virgin. 

This painting is very simply. It focuses on the lovely veil of this girl. Within it, we see a cute girl. Beside her, we see some blue flowers. Thinking about it, that odd green background I have seen it like 100 different times. Its no wonder Bouguereu did so many paintings. He found a way to get backgrounds out of the way quickly.

The title in this painting means the Ideal. Above, we see the ideal couple, in the ideal scenery. Both do look cute together. The girl is pocking the guy with a grass string. It seems to be bothering him. Beside the guy, we see a harp. This shows that he is a poet.

We see two personifications. One is of art and the other is literature. The one that represents art is painting. The one that stands for literature has a harp and a scroll. Behind them, we see a Greek city.

In this painting, we see the blind poet Homer. His seeing guide is trying to help him escape from the wild dogs. As for Homer, he seems to be focused on his visions of the world. It is a bummer how someone who is blind was able to imagine the Illiad.

We see the merry youth of Bacchus. Bacchus is the boy on top with the drum. He is enjoying the celebration in the forest. It seems like a very fun childhood. 

In this painting, we see a cute girl putting on her first jewelries. They appear to be made of wild cherries. It is interesting the contrast between the girl and the wild man of the forest.

The first painting shows Persephone returning from the Underworld. An army of Cupids are helping her come to life. All around her, flowers are sprouting. This is truly a lovely vision of spring.

In this painting, we see Psyche getting kidnapped by Cupid while she slept. Most Greek romances start like that. Pysche has her hand to her heart. She seems to be having a lovely dream. 

In this painting, we see Cupid hugging his cute wife. She was in the meadow gathering flowers when she first met Cupid. In this painting, Cupid had fairy wings instead of angel wings. He still came out looking very cute.

In this painting, we see a group of maidens admiring Cupid. He seems to be enjoying the attention. The maiden on his right, is asking him to strike him with his love arrow. Together, all maidens wants to fall in love. In the background, we see the forest and a Greek town.

This painting shows a cute maiden surrounded by two Cupids. Both are giving her advises. This shows that the maiden is stuck in a love triangle. She is trying to decide between two guys. The realistic forest scenery works pretty well.

In this painting, we see love departing. He is about to draw his bow to shoot at someone. Both the girl and Cupid do look cute together.

In this painting, we see Cupid with a butterfly. It has perched on his arm. He is trying to take it off. Beside him, we see his bow and quiver. The quiver has some pretty neat designs.

This cute painting is rather cute. A maiden is covering her ears. She is trying to ignore the love plights of youth. Around her, we see two Cupids. One is giving her a red flower. The other is telling her sweet words.

In this painting, we see a maiden getting attacked by an army of Cupids. This represents the awakening of the heart. Behind her, we see more Cupids arriving. The scenery is pretty neat.

In this painting, we see Psyche and Love. Both are flying up together. It is cute how Cupid is supporting her entire weight. Their flying pose is very neat.

This painting is very cute. Cupid is pocking the girl with a twig. She seems to be a bit annoyed. The scenery is pretty lovely. This painting shows that she love has interrupted her work.  

This is the last review of William Adolphe Bouguereau's paintings. They all  focus on cute mythological maidens. This painting shows the nymphs' favorite hangout spot. They all look very cute together. Virgil wrote many poems about the nymphs.

The Oreads are a type of mountain nymph. They differed depending on the mountains they lived. They were usually associated with Artemis because she liked to hunt in those regions. In any case, some fauns surprised the Oreads while they were bathing. In response, like a flock of birds, they are flying away. It is a very cute sight.

In this painting, we see the Dawn Goddess. While she is rising she is smelling a flower. On the water, we see the reflection of her rosy fingers. That was how Homer used to describe the sunrise. On the background, we see the regular sunrise.

This painting is about an elegy. Here a lady is crying over a grave. Based on the sobbing Cupid, the one buried there is the man she loves. Overall, this is a very depressing painting.

This painting is about Venus. She is the pearl of the sea. Beside the Goddess, we see a very large pearl. This shows that Venus embodies perfection.  Most of the scene is dominated by the foamy background.

Above, we see a lovely "Birth of Venus". Her shell is being carried by a black dolphin. Over the sea, everyone is celebrating the Birth of Venus. The way she is waking up is very cute. 

In this painting, we see a cute Goddess, Merope. She is one of seven star goddesses, daughters of the Titan Atlas. She is called the lost star because she was the first star that Greek astronomers saw disappear. According to legends, she went to Underworld to be with her dead mortal lovers. In other stories, she hides her face in shame for having an affair with a mortal. As for the painting, in the background, we see the other stars.

In this cute painting, we see a random Greek maiden. She has her hand to her heart. The spring breeze brought love to her grim world.

In this painting, nymphs are bullying a satyr. They are trying to throw him into the water. Overall, this is a pretty silly painting. 

In this painting, we see Aurora. She is showing her face again before the night arrives. She looks very cute rising over the water. This scenery is very calm and relaxing. 

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