New Yellow Flower of Mine

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New Yellow Flower of Mine

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Today is a little bit of a mellowed out type of day. The night was quite freaky looking and it was affecting my humor. I do not like windy nights. It gets me all paranoid with regards to Tornadoes and that sort of nonsense. I have experience a couple of small ones in my life.

The earliest one was when I was 6. The windows started rattling, and I started to fear for my own mortality. These are usually animal signs that there is a Tornado over your head. Night is the worse times for those windy monsters. At night, they are pretty hard to see over the horizon, or over your head.

In the end, the night was pretty clear and the full moon was shinny all so pretty. It is usually on its Zenith by my window. When it is super bright, it is pretty hard to get a decent amount of sleep. I suppose I should install new blinders, but who has time for that?

Frankly, I have better usages for my time. Yesterday, brother tried to cut another one of those small silly trees. We cannot let them proliferate, because then the garden will turn into a jungle again. Before getting at the other half, a storm came and he went inside.

This was enough to convince us not to try it again. We take signs very seriously. The rose bushes are producing a lot of roses. They have taken well to the rains and miracle growth. The wind is still making a number on the plants. The flowers that were attacked by the caterpillars are recuperating.

Hopefully, in a month it will have grown back all its leaves. I suppose it takes time as all. The silly caterpillars really did a number on them. Speaking of those silly ones, we have plenty of the zebra butterflies. It seems like a good number of them recently turned to butterflies.

red flowers,gardening,artsy sister

Hopefully, they will stay as all. The main tree is still blooming and releasing a lot of leaves. The wind is good in so much as it stimulates the plants to work on their core strength. The ones that survive usually do a lot better. I hope this year does not pose a lot of hurricanes.

Even if we do get a few, I hope they are not of the strong variety. The weather has been bizarre as of lately. Then again, it has been a couple of years since we got something that resembled Spring. Spring is the windy month as all. This reminds me of a time I was offered a job and then I declined it because I did not like working in Spring.

This was literary what I said as all. It is just all very hard as all. I am still a little bit mellowed our around the edges. Hopefully, the website will show signs of improvement. On the meantime, here is a photo of a yellow flower I saw in the garden. I know it makes me sound a bit like a guppy, but whatever.

I like liking things. Another thing I like is ice cream cake. I could use a bite right about now. However, I did not buy it at the Publix because I felt fat. I suppose some things cannot be helped. I am just sleepy as all. I am going to call it short, right about now. Artsy Sister, over and out or whatever.

gardening,artsy sister,flowers

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