Painted Matryoshka Acrylic Doll

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Painted Matryoshka Acrylic Doll

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For the last week, I have been working on making these cute Matryoshka dolls. I got a bunch of wooden, unpainted dolls as part of my birthdate. When I tried opening them, it was a really hard work. Opening and closing them was a bit of a bother. As such, I decided to not bother with that aspect of the nesting doll. I decided to bite the bullet, and just work with it. The dolls for the most part were themed after an individual flower. The main one is an orchid. Orchids are cute parasite flowers. I managed to plant one into the main tree. Most people do not even know that you can bind orchids into other trees. The orchid I placed there is thriving. It has a lot of new leaves, and soon it will grown new flowers.

As of now, there is a bit of a Hurricane coming this way. Everything is dark, and spooky. The second doll is based on a Clematis. I first saw the flower in a British gardening show. I think it was called Love Your Garden. The flower is a part of a climbing vine. It comes in many different colors. The third flower is a plumeria flower. Plumerias were pretty common back in Cuba. In the park, I used to play on those plumeria trees filled with flowers. It was one of the few places that were not an eyesore. I do not know if the park is still there or not. I also do not plan on returning to find out. I am a bit of a burn the bridge behind me sort of person. I walk forward, not backwards. The last doll, and the third to last doll were based on daisies. Daisies are a simple flower, and they come in different colors too.

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The last flowers featured are roses. These are about it as far as flowers are concerned. A couple also featured a few animals. The main girl has a lot of cute butterflies. The second one has hummingbirds and the third comes with little goldfishes. Some of the dolls I made with a couple of additional accessories drawn into them. The first one is eating cookies, the second one has a cellphone, the third has a ball in a cup and the fourth comes with a little teddy bear. I would have added more to the little dolls, but the dolls were rather small. The dolls are so tiny, and the like. This makes it a bit hard to paint. Just holding the little dolls is a little bit of a mess. It gets the paint all over.

Well, this is just about the entire bit about these cute little dolls and the like. For the time being, I will return to working on my manga projects. I am currently making a really short 3 volume comic. The volumes are going to be big and fat, like those Ozamu Tezuka mangas. All in all, I do not like making long projects. I tend to get bored of long projects and the like. I really don’t like reading long manga projects. It is for this reason that I do not do long projects. Even with my Chiblia, it wasn’t too long and the like. It I think it has like 300 pages and the like. Let us just finish this blog and the like. I used US art Supply acrylic paints to make the dolls. I first painted them white, with my Daler Rowney paint. I then used liquitex varnish to bind the glitters to the wood. Once it was done I added a final layer of varnish. This is just about everything I used to make these cute dolls. I hope you find it useful.

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