Pouring Acrylic: Funnel and Flip cup Technique on Black

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Pouring Acrylic: Funnel and Flip cup Technique on Black

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These are the last pouring arts of the day. You can see the videos of these Artworks in my Artys Sister Titktok and Youtube channels.

It is more fun to see how art is made, than to read about it. Even so, here is the blog and some painting details.

 artsy sister, cute

I used a wood panel to make the painting. I added a thin layer of titanium white to the panels to keep the painting from sinking.

I had ran out of gesso. So, I used regular acrylic paints as gesso. It gets the job done. In the first painting, I used a funnel to make the artwork.

 artsy sister, painting, art

I just added paints and then the holes on it created the pattern. In the second painting, I used the flip cup technique.

I added the colors in a little cup. I placed the cup on the canvas, before flipping it right side up.

 artsy sister, arts, cute

I lifted the cup little by little to create the bubble cells. I also moved it to make the main scene migrate.

 artsy sister, painting, cute

I think it came out alright. I hope that you find my latest artwork amusing.

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister

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